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Provari? Yuck !


Jul 18, 2014
Look, I get that they are built well, they are reliable and they seem to have some mass market appeal.


Innovative? No, they are just about matching a DNA 20 with the Provari 3

Stylish? No, they are dull as hell to look at, indeed I find the look of them entirely unappealing

Value for money? No, they are stupidly expensive for what they are

Yet they will sell by the 10's of thousands. To who? Who is it that buys them? I hardly ever see them talked about on the forums. Are they selling to Joe Public that just aren't the sort that use the forums? Are Joe Public really spending that much on a VW mod?

I might buy one if they were £50, but there are a hundred other things that I would buy instead of a Provari for the price they are.

Am I alone in this, is it just me that finds them expensive, dull and old hat?
The new menu system looks unnecessarily complicated and I haven't seen that many glowing reviews. It probably will sell but I won't be buying one.
I was toying with buying one as my old ones are still some of the most reliable devices I e ever had. But then I decided that these days I prefer my paps. If I was looking for that kind of device I still would go provari though, they just have a special something about them which other mods just don't have....quality I think. Plus they may be "underpowered" comparatively but I don't need crazy amounts of power and I'd rather have safe, reliable power than crazy shit that doesn't last and has a chance of melting the internals. I am a provari fan though :)
My Provari will continue to be one of my favourites. Reliable and good build quality.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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