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Question about FastTech, currency and Paypal


Jan 31, 2014
So far the only things I've bought online have been juices from UK sellers. I've not bought from abroad, so I am totally clueless about what happens, Paypalwise, when buying things listed in foreign currencies. Just wanted to ask from those who have done so, does it incur a fee (or any other hidden nasties)? Other than the fee normally applied to the seller, I mean? Because I don't want a situation where the bill ends up more than the money I have in my account, so I want to be totally clear on what will (or won't) happen.

OH thinks this is a stupid question, but I think better safe than sorry!!

Edt: Seem to have put this in the entirely wrong section! Meant to do it as a newbie question in the new user's area. No idea how I managed to get it here, sorry.
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on the fasttech page up the top somewhere (Can't remember where) is a bit you can change the currency to £££'s
Pay pal take it in us $ and convert to £'s for you....So you get your paypal bill in £££'s
on the fasttech page up the top somewhere (Can't remember where) is a bit you can change the currency to £££'s
Pay pal take it in us $ and convert to £'s for you....So you get your paypal bill in £££'s

Thanks. I'm not so worried about the actual conversion because I worked that out, just not sure if there's a charge for it from Paypal.
No paypal fees.. what your basket comes to is all you pay, but paypal exchange rates are always a tiny bit in their favour.. so it will cost you about 1p per pound more than the actual exchange rates.. there is an exchange rate option within paypal but I can't remember where, but it will show you the total spend in ££ when you complete the transaction..

Be more concerned about the 6 week wait for your order from FT lol..
Also there is a very slight chance that you could get charged 'Import Duty by UK Customs' (VAT on your order basically) I have been ordering stuff from Hong Kong & China for years and never ever been hit with a bill, but it is always a possibility.. you can claim exemption if it is for personal use not resale, but they hold the item whilst you argue the toss.. FT always mark packets as 'low value goods' and don't include copies of invoices with the order, so its hard work for customs to know its exact value & rateable duty, so they don't normally bother..

Lots of small orders are also less likely to get picked up on as opposed to a great big single order..

Have a look here: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/customs/tax-and-duty.htm
I was on ebay earlier looking at boxes to build a mod and one of the seller's listed a £4.50 aluminium box as likely to get excise duty levied. No idea if duties would get applied on such a low value item though.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
So far the only things I've bought online have been juices from UK sellers. I've not bought from abroad, so I am totally clueless about what happens, Paypalwise, when buying things listed in foreign currencies. Just wanted to ask from those who have done so, does it incur a fee (or any other hidden nasties)? Other than the fee normally applied to the seller, I mean? Because I don't want a situation where the bill ends up more than the money I have in my account, so I want to be totally clear on what will (or won't) happen.

OH thinks this is a stupid question, but I think better safe than sorry!!

Edt: Seem to have put this in the entirely wrong section! Meant to do it as a newbie question in the new user's area. No idea how I managed to get it here, sorry.

no hidden fees between 3-5 weeks for delivery dont try and buy batteries though as customs will send it back -
every 10 dollars is about £6
Not a stupid question at all. PayPal's exchange rate is slightly below the bank rate, that's how they cover their costs. But they don't charge a fee.
Import Duty is not charged for orders under £20. But postage counts towards that amount. That makes it a pain to order from the US as postage is £20 quite often already.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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