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Question about mixing and different Nic solutions

No, that's not the question but thanks for your reply. Yes, that's how I used to do it, however, DarkStar nicotine in VG is already diluted. That's what they've told me. Combine Nic measurement with the pure VG as one single measurement. This makes more sense to me as their product is very thick compared to other "nicotine in VG" products.

Bear with us and we can work this out.
Your confusion is confusing some of us.
Darkstar 7.2% nicotine is used the same way as any other 7.2% nicotine . You put the same numbers in the calculator and mix it the same.
If a mix is too thick you either increase the pg or add distilled water to thin the vg (some thin with vodka). you can buy vg already thinned it is called ag (aqueous glicerine)
If it tastes bad that is another question.
Is the harshness too much nic, or is one of the ingredients tasting bad. As said above you can test a mix with no flavour. Pg and vg can both be vaped on their own.
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So, my old calculations were Nic 1.11, VG 5.9, Flavourings 3.0 for 10ml at 8mg @mannikon but that doesn't cover confusion over the composition of DarkStar Nic, its diluted in VG. These calculations used with the Alchemist version. Flavour I've always had high but looking to lower and also use PG in mix for my other device. I can use calculator to do this if I can just find out how to use the stuff properly, you add VG, company told me it's one calculation.
Your calculations above should stay the same with Darkstar nicotine unless your nic' was in PG above. Do not treat the Darkstar nicotine as anything other than nicotine which happens to be dissolved in VG rather than somehow having additional VG added. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you.
I thought I'd chime in and probably add to the confusion! The problem looks like this to me:

1: you used product A (7.2 % nic in a VG solution) originally
2: you now try product B (also 7.2 % nic in a VG solution.
3: Product B seems to be different to product A (thicker, harsher etc)
4: this causes you to believe that product B is a "premix" of nicotine and the requisite amount of VG needed for a final recipe. It seems as if product A was "just nicotine" because it was thinner.
5: Because it seems as if product B is "already done", you think perhaps :
A: No extra VG should be added (as suggested by the calculator) cos product B is already mixed correctly, so adding more would be too much. Or, more hazardously:
B: The combined total suggested by the calculator (3.4ml+ 1.1ml in your example) should be taken just from product B and added to the PG and flavour.

That's what it looks like to me at the minute I think! If you've done what point 5B says, and (to use the screenshot example you posted) just taken 4.5ml of "product B" (Darkstar 7.2% nic) and added it to 4ml of PG and 1.5ml of flavour, then you're going to have a fuck awful lot stronger brew than you were aiming for! That would explain the harshness etc. The confusion lies in thinking product B is "ready to go" as it were. In theory, both product A and product B should be exactly the same. The difference in them you you've found makes you think one is almost "pure nicotine" and the other thicker one is "pure nicotine with the right amount of VG already added". But it ain't! It looks like you had a shitty product A to start off with cos it should pretty much be the same consistency etc as product B. So, basically, what I would do, would be treat product B in the same way as I did product A. It is your "nicotine" in the calculator and it still needs to have the amount of VG, PG and flavouring your calculator suggests added to it to make whatever recipe it is you're trying to make. Don't whatever you do add the VG and nic amounts together and dump whole amount from product B into your mix. It'll be a bit rough lol! I may of course be totally wrong about all of this.. It's late and I'm knackered lol! Best of luck with your mixing adventures!
I thought I'd chime in and probably add to the confusion! The problem looks like this to me:

1: you used product A (7.2 % nic in a VG solution) originally
2: you now try product B (also 7.2 % nic in a VG solution.
3: Product B seems to be different to product A (thicker, harsher etc)
4: this causes you to believe that product B is a "premix" of nicotine and the requisite amount of VG needed for a final recipe. It seems as if product A was "just nicotine" because it was thinner.
5: Because it seems as if product B is "already done", you think perhaps :
A: No extra VG should be added (as suggested by the calculator) cos product B is already mixed correctly, so adding more would be too much. Or, more hazardously:
B: The combined total suggested by the calculator (3.4ml+ 1.1ml in your example) should be taken just from product B and added to the PG and flavour.

That's what it looks like to me at the minute I think! If you've done what point 5B says, and (to use the screenshot example you posted) just taken 4.5ml of "product B" (Darkstar 7.2% nic) and added it to 4ml of PG and 1.5ml of flavour, then you're going to have a fuck awful lot stronger brew than you were aiming for! That would explain the harshness etc. The confusion lies in thinking product B is "ready to go" as it were. In theory, both product A and product B should be exactly the same. The difference in them you you've found makes you think one is almost "pure nicotine" and the other thicker one is "pure nicotine with the right amount of VG already added". But it ain't! It looks like you had a shitty product A to start off with cos it should pretty much be the same consistency etc as product B. So, basically, what I would do, would be treat product B in the same way as I did product A. It is your "nicotine" in the calculator and it still needs to have the amount of VG, PG and flavouring your calculator suggests added to it to make whatever recipe it is you're trying to make. Don't whatever you do add the VG and nic amounts together and dump whole amount from product B into your mix. It'll be a bit rough lol! I may of course be totally wrong about all of this.. It's late and I'm knackered lol! Best of luck with your mixing adventures!

Makes sense to me.
Well done.
I think.
Nicotine diluted in VG should always be thick, never thin.

The email reply you got is wrong, the VG your nicotine is in has already been accounted for by the calculator so whatever VG it says to add is over and above the VG your nicotine is in.

Darkstar are a very reputable supplier that I use as well but that doesn't mean you might not have got a bad or old batch.

Calculators are very easy to use and very useful, are you sure you're inputting exactly what you want and following the calculator properly? I've never made such a small batch, are you weighing or using syringes?

Also based on what you have told us, you're using flavouring @ 30%. That seems very high (I've never mixed any flavour above 20%).
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Thanks all! Yes @Pilgrim23 that's exactly it, thank you! I contacted customer services at the new supplier and their reply gave me the impression you used it as a pre-mixed product, but it may well have been the wording I used when asking. Plus, as you said, the consistency was so different to my old supplier.

I had a feeling this was wrong and that I had made it way too strong on Nic levels, have since binned the batch and will start again.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply, very much appreciated.
Nicotine diluted in VG should always be thick, never thin.

The email reply you got is wrong, the VG your nicotine is in has already been accounted for by the calculator so whatever VG it says to add is over and above the VG your nicotine is in.

Darkstar are a very reputable supplier that I use as well but that doesn't mean you might not have got a bad or old batch.

Calculators are very easy to use and very useful, are you sure you're inputting exactly what you want and following the calculator properly? I've never made such a small batch, are you weighing or using syringes?

Also based on what you have told us, you're using flavouring @ 30%. That seems very high (I've never mixed any flavour above 20%).

Yes @WardyGTC , my old flavours were so weak I used a high % but am looking to lower this and up the PG too, although I've never had a problem with performance or coil life I think I need to balance out the VG a little, maybe 60/40. The email reply was wrong and I'll be in touch with them about that as it's such a vital measurement, could have been a little dicey if I hadn't checked.
If it says 72mg nicotine on it then that's what it is, it can't be already diluted as then it wouldn't be 72mg.
Darkstar have also started to sell nicotine shots, so this may cause some confusion?

Hi @cliveh2 - it does say diluted on the product, whereas the other one didn't, it just said "in VG" but was very watery in composition, and a heck of a lot more expensive too, that's where I got the conclusion about the new one being diluted in a full sense of being a mix. Now wondering if the old supplier had it wrong or watered it down, very odd, but inclined to go with positive feedback on DarkStar and believe that is the case.
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