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Quitting smoking cigarettes by vaping

Hi @Noircesar25 and welcome to the planet.

quick question first, what country do you live in.
reason i ask if its america then there is so much coruption that the amount of fake news out there on the net is rife. and sadly once its posted it never gets taken down even after it is debunked and proved it had nothing to do with vaping in the first place.
the latest and biggest scare stories was in 2019/2020 just before covid hit us all for six.
the news was full of vapes have killed 60 americans and vapes are more dangerous than cigs so ban vapes now blah blah blah.
thing is what all these news stories forgot to mention was yes people were dying but they were also using black market illegal THC in vape kits which had been cut with vitamin E and that was what was killing these people.

for me, 37 years of smoking 20-30 a day. started on capstens full strength.
gave up smoking in 2015 overnight using 18mg and within a couple of months was down to 3mg which i am still on 7 years later.
after all those years my chest xrays after a year of stopping showed nothing,ziltch,nada. clear as a never smoker.
BUT there is always a chance that there could be underlying damge from smoking so the sooner people give up the better but with all this fake corrupt crap out there on the internet its becoming a never ending battle.
here in the UK weve even got vape shops opened in hospitals so for a second do you think this would ever have happened if there was any truth in all this nonsence being spread.
yes its at least 95% safer than smoking but yes there is a slight risk of side effects but still at lest 95% safer than smoking.

nicotine is as bad as coffee. its not the nicotine that kills people its the tar and thousands of chemicals that are in a single cigarette.
vape containd 4 things. VG, PG, flavouring concentrates, and nicotine.

tell us what kit you are using and what juice and you will get plenty of advise on if its decent enough to get you off the cigs for good.
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Thanks all for the informative comments, I've been guessing in the dark before your comments, this is day 2 and yes there was a hard coughing when I tried vaping a month ago and now its smoother and better, and for me I don't find the craving as hard as I expected, actually I don't think about cigarettes that much maybe because I was smoking too much just to have something in the hand and pair them with a hot drink. After all its been good for the first 2 days and I hope it keeps going that way.
Thank you very much guys!!!
hi & welcome, when i started vaping almost 9 yrs ago my lungs & just about everything else felt knackered & worn out & it was not until at least 6 months in when i started to feel better my breathing had improved massively & i noticed i was not things like the cold anymore & no more coughs after 1 year though they found out ihad COPD stage 2 i was already asthmatic & use to be a 60 a day rollie smoker, know i cant stand the smell of cigs , you have made a good start by joining this site as there is plenty of help full people on here to offer good advice as & when needed, just puff away on your new vape every time you get that craving & dont worry to much about your over doing it, vaping nic takes awhile to get in your system, as for how harmfull vaping & nic is its a load of tosh & guessing you probally read that on some usa sites ? nic is about as harmfull as coffee if you over do it on nic you might feel abit sick & thats it ps drink plenty of water too stop you getting dehydrated & if you have the odd smoke at first dont beat yourself up over it, i dual fuelled for about the first month & found meal times the worste ...
As the others have said, it can take a while to really feel the benefits, but they're definitely there. Also, for the first couple of weeks of vaping I found the vape sometimes made me cough, but that did pass. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids. Good luck. :)
You will feel the benefits, i started on the vape 19 weeks ago not had a smelly smoke in the 19 weeks and i can go up the stairs without getting out of breath now .
Just need to get fit now lol work from home and drive every were :8:
Smoking is injurious to health..... we hear that a lot but how to get rid of this habit is a whole another matter. My family, specially my wife and kids are quite concern about my chain smoking habit and often complain about the the way i smell too smokey. Even my friends don't want to hang out with me because I smoke too much. One of my family friend advice me to switch to vaping as it quite non smelly and healthy as compare to your traditional nicotine filled cigarettes. At first, I was reluctant to try but when I started vaping I found myself addicted to it and want to discover new tastes and flavors they are seem to come up with every now and then. I also tried different variant of vaping like mods and coils etc.

Hence I found myself quite fresh and healthy as compare to my previous smoking habits and my family even approves of it. I recommend the vaping to all wanna-get-rid-of-smoking-habit to anyone who are smoke addict and even to non-smokers who are opting for safer version of smoke aka vaping.
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Good for you, stick at it there’s so much to learn vaping makes a good hobby that also is better for your health than smoking. I’ve been off fags for about five months now and don’t miss it at all. And I feel better for it, don’t expect to save money though by stopping smoking once vaping gets a grip you will probably want to try different devices and juices lol. Good luck and keep off the fags. Welcome to the forum.
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