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RBA/Dripping and pre-coiled wick?


Nov 17, 2013
Hi all , Still a noob with all this of course but am keen to dip of small toe in to the RBA/dripping malarky but not really sure where to start

At the moment I have an iTaste vv vw 3.0 and a couple of Kanger evod batteries , and use a PT mini2 & Evods on these.
At this stage I don't really want to get in to the buying wires and wicks etc and playing around with them...I'm just curious to see if the juice flavours are enhanced.

My question is then , what would be a good and inexpensive RBA (dripper(?) - is that the same thing?) to start off with and is it possible to get some pre-made coils and wicks that even the most ham-fisted duffer could pop on with minimal effort?
Also it looks like the RBA's that I've seen are all a lot broader than my iTaste so do I either have the choice of having a top-heavy set-up or buying a Vamo type unit to attach it to ?

I notice that fastTech have bargain prices on a lot of these type of clones but I'm in no great rush so if anyone could recommend a kit from there that would fit the bill it would be much appreciated

thanks in advance! ;)
RBA is rebuildable atomizer, these generally have tanks that hold the juice. RDA is rebuidlable dripper atomizer and are without tanks and designed for dripping.
TBH if your going down the dripping tank route you do need to build coils but with some cotton wool and wire they are in all honesty dead easy to do.
alof of dripeprs tend to be a little narrower so would fit on your device with no problems, something like a smok scar is a great starter dripper on an IGO L or IGO W . best thing is to watch some youtube vids but in all honesty coil building is part of the fun of doing drippers and once youve done one or two you'll be hooked..
an igo s will look perfect on an itaste or ego as they are tiny. only single coil set up but all you need at this point.
micro coils with cotton wool are easy, however i prefer silica and normal coils on drippers. all down to personal taste.
first few goes you will fail or there abouts. then you will learn what works etc.
everyone starts at the bottom, may aswell get stuck in.
if you get stuck put out an sos on here and people will be more than happy to help you.
I would say igo-w, scar, smoktech rda (also know as octupusy) all easy to build on.
thanks guys for your replies! If I got one of these small RBA's to fit the itaste , then what 'accessories' should I order at the same time? ( wire, wick etc) ?
most come precoiled anyway to get you started and some places even provide you with a bit of wick and mesh.
if you go down the cotton wool route.. just pop to baby aisle in supermarket or chemists and get some unbleached cotton balls for about 70-80 pence. that should keep ya going for at least 6 months or more.
for mesh i use .32 kanthal from the vapemesh company. costs a couple of quid and can be found here and a 20m spool should last you again easy 6 months but more likey double triple of qudaruple that depending on how much you get into coil building


plenty of youtube vids how to do it but in simplest terms i basically do the following

flame the kanthal wire to take out some tenstion ( i use butane torch but can easily do it with a lighter just dont burn ya fingers! )
then using a micro screwdriver ( philips head as easier to slip coil off. wind around 4 or 5 times around the pointy end of the screwdriver keeping the coil close but not touching ( about a 4 inch length is fine to start with.
then make sure the ends are both poiting in same direction. leave it on the screwdriver and attached it to the centre positive post and outer negative post on the dripper.
if need be use some tweezers or a flat end micro screwdrver just to make sure coils are all pretty neat.
now you can stick it on your mod and do the ohms check. should be around 1.6 ohms for that kinda build
pulse fire it ( fire your mod on then ooff on then off. check to see the coils glow evenly, they should glow from the innner coils going outwards.
( take the screwdriver out before ya do this!!! )

if some arent glowing just give them a little squeeze and nudge with tweezers or screwdriver and pulse fire again until all glow nicely.
now for your cotton wool.. take one ball and gently unravel it ( yup cotton balls are rolled up rectangles
now you need length ways take a full length strip about a 1/4 width of the ball.

roll half and inch between fingers into its small enough to slide into the middle of the coil.. pull it through so its snug BUT not tight.
Trim off the end on the outer edge side of the coil leaving around an inch or two of fluffed up cotton wool in the middle.. trim it down so you have about half to 1 inch of fluffly cotton wool sticking out then soak it in some juice and tuck it in the dripper well.. now fire it up on your mod and you should get some nice plumes ( make sure its well soaked with a good 10+ drips to start with.
fingers crossed you should end up with something a bit like this ( this is dual coil but exact same prinicple just done twice )




hope that helps a bit
@Phantom Diablo many thanks for taking the time, very helpful :) . So is there basically a choice between using Silica wick or cotton wool ? ....is the choice more dependant on personal taste or on the type of RBA that's used?
cheers! :)
so in an nutshell , he only extra thing I'd need apart from cotton wool , would be the .32 kanthal wire ? :)
Yup. I use a cocktail stick to wind my coils around.

A set of nail clippers is handy to snip the wire.
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