Thanks for this thread verry much. This was the one I want to learn. Yesterday I did the same things with 0.2mm SS wire and rounded 5 wraps. Everything was perfect except the trying process. When I replaced my "new" atomizer to my EGO type battery, led started to blink and not worked. When the atomizer is out, it was working but with atomizer it was just blinking 5-6 times and then nothing. Tried a couple of times to make it work but the result was my battery's funeral. The circuit in it was burned out. What do you think, was this because of a short? Maybe I should make more thank 5 wraps. Please could somebody explain this in any manner?
PS: I bought a USB pass through and now using it. I connected it to an ordinary chinese USB charger and it did the same thing (Blinked 5-6 times and not worked). Then I tried it with my Samsung USB charger and it worked. Maybe this blinking thing is because of insufficient current (?)
I think that egos blink if your coil has too low resistance or a short. Sorry, I rarely use them now, they're just emergency back-ups so I've forgotten, but think mine did that when I accidentally had the centre post slanted.
First, what is the resistance of your coils? Always measure resistance with a meter before fitting, and don't forget to subtract lead resistance.
It sounds as though either your coil is too low resistance, turns are shorting together or the coil or tail wires are touching something they shouldn't so you have either a short or a dead short.
I always check resistance after winding, again after fitting, then use a mod that will protect from shorts (often vamo as it's so easy to read resistance from it first) starting at the lowest setting.
Egos don't have short protection, in fact when the top came off of one of mine I decided I'd never use them from that vendor again (dirt-cheap battery wrapped in thin plastic with very thin wires to a miniscule circuit board plus connector)
I advise repeated resistance checks and maybe try heatshtink as werll, as suggested.
I did come acrodd one clearomiser that had insulation inside the head tube. It belonged to a friend who keeps his coil-making stuff at my place so his wife doesn't know. Unfortunately when he saw it he asked what it was, pulled it ourt, threw it away, fitted the new wick and coil only one end of the coil was shorting against the side. So he moved it over, checked again, all OK, reassembled, vaped for a day and got a short (coil moved?). That clearo is now useless because it's impossible to dissasssemble, no way can anybody unscrew the bottom to get at the head, maybe cross-threaded, so it went in the bin.
I am running out of space, only got a 1 bed flat.