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Rebel 21700 100C

I got my new Rebel squonker a few days ago and it does feel incredibly light for a mod with two 18650's, an atty and a full squonk bottle. Everything seems fine with it except that the fire button is very stiff. I chose to try out the 200W squonk with the Yihi SX550j chip and I'm a bit disappointed to find that instead of using the latest up to date G class v2 chip Rebel have installed the original v1 which isn't upgradeable so it lacks a lot of the functionality of the latest version. It was also a bit of a nightmare at the start to figure out how to work the joystick control as there was absolutely no help and no manual supplied so I had to manually search the Yihi website to find the right one which took a while but I managed to find it. Also the mod has unexpectedly turned itself off a few times. I only vape DL in wattage mode so can't say how good it is with with TC but so far it is working well so I'm happy enough with it although if I was choosing again I would have gone for the Evolv DNA chip instead.

I got my new Rebel squonker a few days ago and it does feel incredibly light for a mod with two 18650's, an atty and a full squonk bottle. Everything seems fine with it except that the fire button is very stiff. I chose to try out the 200W squonk with the Yihi SX550j chip and I'm a bit disappointed to find that instead of using the latest up to date G class v2 chip Rebel have installed the original v1 which isn't upgradeable so it lacks a lot of the functionality of the latest version. It was also a bit of a nightmare at the start to figure out how to work the joystick control as there was absolutely no help and no manual supplied so I had to manually search the Yihi website to find the right one which took a while but I managed to find it. Also the mod has unexpectedly turned itself off a few times. I only vape DL in wattage mode so can't say how good it is with with TC but so far it is working well so I'm happy enough with it although if I was choosing again I would have gone for the Evolv DNA chip instead.
Good to hear that it works.. more or less, but for this price tag I would expect more.
Have you tried to contact the manufacturer about the button? IMHO if it is stiff, it can sound like the button is physically attached to the case, being one element joined by a thin "connector". Similar thing was used by LostVape on their Hyperion device what ended with the "bridge" cracking after several fires and sooner or later resulting with the inability of using the device at all (there are some youtube clips on "how to repair...")...
But Hyperion is half of the Rebel mod price...
However, the G"1" seem to be upgradeable as per: http://yihisxmini.com/support/000002001004.html page? Yet, the "latest" firmware seem to be dated back to 2017 and yes, there seem to be a huge gap between the V1 and V2 abilities, sadly.

To be honest, I am looking for the DNA powered SBS mod and Rebel was looking as one of the options... but now... nah... if someone would like to donate one to me, I could think about using it, but paying? Nope.

PS: unsure if you've seen this thread here: https://forum.planetofthevapes.co.u...-faulty-or-am-i-doing-something-wrong.148737/ it seem that the basic functions were changing version to version...
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Everything seems fine with it except that the fire button is very stiff.

I also found fire button too tight as have arthritis in my fingers; their customer service is excellent as Rebel replied quickly to me and arranged for mod to be sent back. I paid for it's return (only £5 as UK to UK) and they sent it back for free within a week, button is now very clicky just like they promised.
For those that have gotten one recently, are the bottom 3 buttons floating? Basically rattling? I've received a 21700 Mod and I'm sure I remember the buttons being attached and not loose.

No mine are flush with the mod, only the fire button slightly protrudes.
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