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Advertising Squeeze ASA ruling with modmaking


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
its been a troubling time in the last few days in the world of modmaking

out of nowhere, this new ASA ruling appeared at first most of us in the storm of flavour bans, vape bans, fake news, DNA studies, more fake news, and a general pushback against vaping didn't understand what was coming. It feels like I'm behind a door and I've got 4 big men pushing against it to get in and smash my teeth in, at the moment the door is open a crack my foot is holding the door and I can feel my toes bursting under the pressure of the onslaught of these people trying to get through.

never mind the bans if you want to destroy a business make it so the company cannot advertise or promote the item, I listened to the ASA webinar on the 24th explaining and with growing horror there were frantic phone calls to people saying where do I stand, most of us were reading it, one mainstream supplier I used read it on the phone and the just said "oh Fuck" to the consumer it means nothing but to legitimate people in this industry it has meant that we have had to go private with all social media links that is in effect like getting your product and putting it in a black box with a sign on it saying "MOD"

but the ASA notes are so vague it's untrue they have no idea how this will go and have lumped everything together even when you are private they still make sure you cant do lots of things saying things, like used for Stoptober banned, Saying vaping is 95% safer Banned, saying ecigs help you quit smoking Banned, saying the NHS are giving them out at A &E banned, even sending out emails saying you have a new product to registered people already age verified banned because these are claims and can be seen as promotion.

however, if you are some joe who bangs out some mods or sells some juice and is not registered with anyone you can get away with it plus anyone not in the UK, so all those people overseas can still post loads of pictures, for them they might get kicked off social media but they won't get fined or sanctioned, so they just use another account.

so I'm having to go private, website, you tube, facebook, etc have to be compliant so hours and hours of work have to be done, increasing traffic via google etc has had to be paused because it makes you more visible to the bots that will be spidering everywhere.

then on top of all this, all your friends in the industry are doing the same but you then see a non-compliant maker who doesn't give a toss banging out stuff that sends you nuts

so I'm setting up a discord server and Instagram is going private along with loads of other things

I can't help wondering whether perhaps you'll also need to tone down your signature? Even on here? Hard times ahead for many a Business and I wish everyone the very beat of luck, :(
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