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Rebuildables: Beginners experiences

Now I'm getting pissed off! I tried 4 loops and it came out at 1ohm and shut down the provari (error code e1), so I tried again with 5 loops. This time 1.1ohm, shut down the provari (error code e1 then followed by e2). Then I tried 7 coils again and got it to 2ohms but this time I got another error code (e7 or 8) and then it wouldn't power at all. Took out the battery gave it a wipe down and a shake and it seems to be ok again now. I think I need to give the provari an alcohol bath as it seems to be abit temperamental. It's better in the vapour department but still a little underwhelming. Flavour is good but I was expecting more performance. It seems to be wicking better now so I'm getting that right though :)
I dont know how many ohms I have! but I get cloooooooooooouds!

Sorry Ive not been about today!
Now I'm getting pissed off! I tried 4 loops and it came out at 1ohm and shut down the provari (error code e1), so I tried again with 5 loops. This time 1.1ohm, shut down the provari (error code e1 then followed by e2). Then I tried 7 coils again and got it to 2ohms but this time I got another error code (e7 or 8) and then it wouldn't power at all. Took out the battery gave it a wipe down and a shake and it seems to be ok again now. I think I need to give the provari an alcohol bath as it seems to be abit temperamental. It's better in the vapour department but still a little underwhelming. Flavour is good but I was expecting more performance. It seems to be wicking better now so I'm getting that right though :)

I know it's a stupid question, but were the coils well spaced and not touching one another or the connection posts?
Sounds like a short to me, especially with 5 loops
If anything there is too much space! I really work hard to keep my spacings even (I'm abit anal like that!). The first error code was for a short, the 2nd was exceeding the power output and the last is a converter fault. I kind of liked it when I didn't know the problem, life was much simpler :) it seems to be ok now but I really want to get lower resistance cos the provari is quite power hungry and I'm getting a lot less battery time out of it.
Im trying to make a video of me vaping the Cobra lol, but I take lil wimpy drags, anything bigger and I choke out. LOL
Ok guys , i think its about time you upped the ante and started making twisted wire coils , you think you have decent vapour now , wait till you start twisting !!!
You can't just leave it open like that :) what is this twisted wire coil you speak of? I'm intrigued!
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