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Rebuildables: Beginners experiences

Ok , Off out soon , so very quickly ,

Take a length of you chosen wire , double it up , slide a hair pin View attachment 1192 into wire hold loose ends (with tweezers , or i use my teeth) and twist the pin wrapping the wire into a tight coil , double the surface area and reduces resistance allowing more wraps , i use 0.2 nichrome with 6 or 7 wraps , huge amount of vapour , less clogging of coils and much easier to thread through terminal holes in the rda , win , win win, have a play ,see what you think .
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Thanks for that, I've got the rta so I guess not much use but I know a couple of boys who might have a play with it :)
I'm so thick sometimes! I thought you meant you just use coils with no wick-doh! I'll give it a go on my next try and let you know how I get on :)
Typically before the arrival of my Cobra I've been having some poor coil experiences on the RDA. Vapour wise fine. Plenty, if not too much throat hit. Flavour wise though I'm still getting that powdery texture to the vape which is unique from any other device I've used. I've checked everything inside the unit. It's not a burnt taste but yes there is a metallicey edge to it too. I'm hoping that the mesh style wicks as used in the cobra and other rebuildable tanks will improve this.
No matter how much I oxidized a mesh wick I keep getting ONE little hot spot in the same place and its super irritating! As long as I stay at low voltages and dont fire for too long, I can avoid the hot spot though. But I want PLUMES again!

Has anyone though of slipping a stringy wick through a mesh one after oxidization for better wicking?
No matter how much I oxidized a mesh wick I keep getting ONE little hot spot in the same place and its super irritating! As long as I stay at low voltages and dont fire for too long, I can avoid the hot spot though. But I want PLUMES again!

Has anyone though of slipping a stringy wick through a mesh one after oxidization for better wicking?
OMG I remember seeing or reading that only the other day yes but can't remember where. Whoever it was was saying he wrapped the coil around a pice of FG wick...is that what they mean when they talk about hybrids?
OMG I remember seeing or reading that only the other day yes but can't remember where. Whoever it was was saying he wrapped the coil around a pice of FG wick...is that what they mean when they talk about hybrids?

Its called a hybrid wick.
Lots of info on you tube
Its called a hybrid wick.
Lots of info on you tube
If there is one particularly straightforward video you are aware of peejayuu it would be really helpful to have a link so we can shove it on here for members
If there is one particularly straightforward video you are aware of peejayuu it would be really helpful to have a link so we can shove it on here for members

Just type "hybrid wick" into youtube, lots of methods and tutorials, hope this helps
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