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Rebuildables: Beginners experiences

Right! Time for round 2 with pictures!

First I cut my wick and coil to length and wrapped the coil around the wick. I did this just by hand as I can't find a paperclip and TBH I can't really be bothered to start looking for one.

2012-09-12 11.47.30.jpg

This time I decided to go with 5 coils as the last one had me sat with the LT at it's lowest setting to make anything vapeable!

Next I attached the wire to the posts on the RDA and trimmed off the excess..

2012-09-12 11.51.17.jpg

OK! We're not looking too bad, lets see what the LT reckons my resistance is like..

2012-09-12 12.02.37.jpg

2.5Ohms! Bonza! That's in the area I was hoping for!
Time to stick some liquid on that badboy and fire it up!!

2012-09-12 11.54.35.jpg

Jurassic Park!! I love it when a plan comes together!

Next I carefully put the surround tube back on and align the hole to the coil.

2012-09-12 12.01.43.jpg
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Excellent ... how much are these bad boys ?
All in all a reasonable experience methinks! Thanks to all on this thread that have offered advice and support.
As someone completely new to rebuildables your advice has been invaluable :)
Nice picture story there OS! Glad you got that up and running mate
Im very interested in that RTA actually
It's a great bit of gear but is a little more fannying around getting it to wick right from the tank. They are beautifully made though and IMHO well worth the money.
Where did you get the wick from, Toby? It looks nicer than mine (and mine isn't the fluffy stuff!).
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