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rebuildables.. who how what!

have to try find one on the cheap its a liitle over budget after spending out on kmax , kanger and juice!
ok well it seems rsst's are the way to go.. and having watched a youtube vid or two it all seems quite painless ( though im actually tempted by a dual coil atty.
So my question is that i havent heard mention and didnt know is regarding mesh. i know for the juice i use 50/50 or pure pg then 320 or 400 mesh is ideal. BUT what i didnt realise is that you should "carbon coat" the mesh first. The vid showed the guy rolling the mesh to a tight tube ( easy enough 0 but then he pulled out a pocket blowtorch to burn and quench the mesh 3 or 4 times then gave it a coat of juice and burned it off with a lighter 3 or 4 times too. To he said seal the mesh and make it non conductible and stop it from shorting.
so then is this neccesary or overkill. or can you by mesh or use alternatives without going through this process.. or should i just go out and pick up a pocket blow torch too or do people use another method?
stove/gas ring also works.

ignore this bit below , just read you had a vv/vw device, so you cant do pulse method. go buy a blowtorch or use the stove.

its not technically that much of a requirement, you can pulse the button many times in succession (half second bursts) and it'll do the same (build up a non-conducting layer of carbon), but burning the mesh a few times does help to get rid of any nasties that may be on it.
You're going to be inhaling whatever is on that mesh, including whatever oils/dirt etc got onto it.Burning the crap out of it, so to speak, burns the crap out of it
Plus, it feels manly having glowy things

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well i just foiund one of these on ebay.. wondered if anyone had used one.. seems worth splashing out £3 on


That looks perfect for oxidising wicks, I may have to get one myself :D

I would not recommend this atty at all, got one and it is a PITA to wick and re-coil, no matter what I tried my e-liquids just didn't taste 'right', it is now sitting in my 'bad buy' box :(

If I didn't already have two I would go for this :D
just need to find somehwere other than fasttech as ive had so many issues with them and taken me a month to get a refund
wonder if its worth bothering with the kanger if in getting an RSST. i have the putitank, viva nova and about 8 ce4 clearo's already anyway. and though the kanger is only £11 that could go towards mesh, wire and a maybe a helping hands kit.

also whats the usual lifespan when you coil and wick an RSST before it needs redoing?
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