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Recommend a dripper to an RDA begginer please.


Aug 9, 2014
Hi all, looking for recommendations on a dripper, I've never tried one before and fancy giving it a go, I've used plenty of RTA's before so quite happy making my own coils. I would like one that's good for clouds, single or dual coil options only as I'm not bothered about quad coils etc. at the moment, and easy to build on. Don't wan to spend to much cash to start with and I'm happy to order from Fasttech/Gearbest. I will be using it on a VW box mod if that makes any difference.

If you're happy with coil building, battery safety, ohms law (and all the other moving parts :) ) then IMHO the classic starters are a Velocity or a Derringer. Both are cheap as chips, easy to coil, and give flavour and vapour.

Have a look around as these are just a couple of suggestions ... there's a whole world of drippers :)
As above really, also the mutation x 4 if you're after clouds.
I'm thinking about getting into dripping too, might seem a stupid question but will I notice the flavour differences & can I use one of the 2 above on a subox
You can use any dripper on almost any device that it will fit on. The key is building coils with a resistance that works to the devices capabilities. This is why battery safety and understanding ohms law and the way voltage/power resistance and current are linked are vital to getting a safe and decent experience. I used to drip on a sigelei 30w tube with coils at 0.8 ohms and at 25-30 watts the flavour and vapor production were great! You'll be fine with the subox until the shiny bug bites
You can use any dripper on almost any device that it will fit on. The key is building coils with a resistance that works to the devices capabilities. This is why battery safety and understanding ohms law and the way voltage/power resistance and current are linked are vital to getting a safe and decent experience. I used to drip on a sigelei 30w tube with coils at 0.8 ohms and at 25-30 watts the flavour and vapor production were great! You'll be fine with the subox until the shiny bug bites

This site will be your friend going forward :)

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Not really well known or popular, but the "Legion" dripper is one of the best I've ever used, easy build deck, a mixture of black stainless steel and copper, And it's rather pretty as well...:)
You can use any dripper on almost any device that it will fit on. The key is building coils with a resistance that works to the devices capabilities. This is why battery safety and understanding ohms law and the way voltage/power resistance and current are linked are vital to getting a safe and decent experience. I used to drip on a sigelei 30w tube with coils at 0.8 ohms and at 25-30 watts the flavour and vapor production were great! You'll be fine with the subox until the shiny bug bites

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