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Recommend me a juice line!

Thanks all :) Will definately be dropping @Cotswold Vapour an order once my current supplies start running low.

Not sure if @pfvapes is able to respond to this one, but are you guys able to supply larger quantities of liquids in higher nic? On the website, it seems I am only able to order 10ml at a time in 6mg or higher nicotine :(
Drop a line, we can sort something out :)
After trying many juice lines, US and UK, I only use and recommend two UK juice companies, Phileas Fogg and Cotswold Vapour.
Both run by very friendly people in the UK, incredibly reasonable prices and sensible range (I don't trust anyone with dozens of juice flavours, how can they afford to be compliant with Regs?).
Twelve flavours between them, good nic content range, good buying options, fully compliant with regulations, no nasties in their juice, no enhancers/colours/sweeteners/diketones.
Fully contactable and checkable with good web sites. Great customer service. Both active on here too.
Juice of course is down to personal taste but I would be heart broken if either of these two stopped production!

Two of my favourites:

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Very kind of you Peter :) - Dont worry we are not going anywhere! - not by choice anyway!

I do have to say though that a handful of our peers have been trading much longer than we have and have developed juices when the industry was purely self regulated - constant new flavour releases were the name of the game - and I really do feel for some of the guys that helped us out when we first started that either have such a catalog the costs to take everything through are insurmountable, or simply have stubborn suppliers who wont release the IP!

We just have to remain vigilant as a group and safe-guard each other! Its a sad fact that in among the personal preference choices of flavour and price point, we will have to navigate the "rouge traders"

Only from having had massive in-depth discussions ( and recommendations on suppliers etc ) from the likes of @manabush @South Coast Vaper @Dripworx and more recently @Cotswold Vapour , have we managed to try and digest the full implications of the regulations, and how best to survive for each of us.

We all talk, we all try each others products, and we all have our own business models, and with a little bit of luck, we will all still be here this time next year, and for many years beyond that having ridden out this dark patch!
Very kind of you Peter :) - Dont worry we are not going anywhere! - not by choice anyway!

I do have to say though that a handful of our peers have been trading much longer than we have and have developed juices when the industry was purely self regulated - constant new flavour releases were the name of the game - and I really do feel for some of the guys that helped us out when we first started that either have such a catalog the costs to take everything through are insurmountable, or simply have stubborn suppliers who wont release the IP!

We just have to remain vigilant as a group and safe-guard each other! Its a sad fact that in among the personal preference choices of flavour and price point, we will have to navigate the "rouge traders"

Only from having had massive in-depth discussions ( and recommendations on suppliers etc ) from the likes of @manabush @South Coast Vaper @Dripworx and more recently @Cotswold Vapour , have we managed to try and digest the full implications of the regulations, and how best to survive for each of us.

We all talk, we all try each others products, and we all have our own business models, and with a little bit of luck, we will all still be here this time next year, and for many years beyond that having ridden out this dark patch!

What he said :)
Dragons rise is a great priced e juice I can recommend Campfire custard and Blue slush , after shopping around, I can say this is my go to supplier, often have discount codes to, last one was 40%

We understand liquids can get expensive, and that some certainly don't deserve the price tag that is placed on them. We offer liquids at just £2.19/10ml. If you're interested, be sure to check out our website: www.blackvape.uk.

Best of luck,

Dragons rise is a great priced e juice I can recommend Campfire custard and Blue slush , after shopping around, I can say this is my go to supplier, often have discount codes to, last one was 40%

The blue slush i've ordered from them turned green and taste like nothing really, gonna go down the drain i reckon....before i'll get the accusation of being a snob, had no issues with most of the other cheap vendors.

I've ordered from spectrum vaping numerous times and i have very good experience with all of their juices so far. Jessi P and Rhubarb&Custard were both amazing and i liked the red+green energy as well. Haven't seen mentioned here many times.
I like Castle Vape's stuff. £25 for 100ml. Pre-steeped as far as I know, I've never had to steep anything from them (occasionally I have but mainly because I've just left them in the cupboard amongst 50 other bottles of it so it gets lost amongst it). The website isn't the best but if you can make your way around it, I think they're reasonably priced and haven't had a single juice from them that I didn't like, so far.

Here's a link: https://castlevape.co.uk/13-e-liquids

Just spotted it does actually say it's 80% VG, but I'll leave the info anyway just in case anyone does fancy a look. Sorry about that, I wasn't sure if it was 70 or 80. :)

We understand liquids can get expensive, and that some certainly don't deserve the price tag that is placed on them. We offer liquids at just £2.19/10ml. If you're interested, be sure to check out our website: www.blackvape.uk.

Best of luck,

This is your first post?/a shameless plug... Really? Come on dude!
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