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Recommend me a juice line!

as @pfvapes mentioned its generally "bad form" to self promote.....

If your new here, t hen i guess you weren't to know ;)

Do you have an introduction thread anywhere dude?

In the future, we will refrain from doing so. Sorry to come off in a bad way; we just like to make people aware of our products if we believe it will help them out.

As to the introduction thread, we have not created one; however we may in the future.

Many Thanks,


In the future, we will refrain from doing so. Sorry to come off in a bad way; we just like to make people aware of our products if we believe it will suit them well.

As to the introduction thread, we have not created one; however we may in the future.

Many Thanks,

do one dude....its a great way to get a bit of traction for you juice line....get a bit of discussion going and get us all talking about your juice ;)
After trying many juice lines, US and UK, I only use and recommend two UK juice companies, Phileas Fogg and Cotswold Vapour.
Both run by very friendly people in the UK, incredibly reasonable prices and sensible range (I don't trust anyone with dozens of juice flavours, how can they afford to be compliant with Regs?).
Twelve flavours between them, good nic content range, good buying options, fully compliant with regulations, no nasties in their juice, no enhancers/colours/sweeteners/diketones.
Fully contactable and checkable with good web sites. Great customer service. Both active on here too.
Juice of course is down to personal taste but I would be heart broken if either of these two stopped production!

Two of my favourites:

View attachment 96926
As most (probably all) of you would know, i don't exactly post much, however, I do read a lot and like to keep abreast on what is going on on here, and in the vape world in general.

The one thing that I do know is that to be Fully compliant (In your words) means that you comply with the regulations regarding what juice producers can or cannot sell After 20th May 2016

"fully compliant with regulations"

Now, to me, that would mean not stocking items that weren't for sale pre May 20th

And so would it be fair to say that the items that are for sale on both Cotswold Vapour & Phileas Fogg websites (or shops for that matter) have been offered for sale before May 20th? Im assuming that by being Fully Compliant this would mean that both do not sell Juice or products that weren't offered for sale pre May 20th?

I only ask as i have bought from Phileas Fogg on numerous occasions, and when i went to order again earlier i noticed that the site now has 20ml Nic Base available to buy?

Now I am fairly confident that these weren't there 2 weeks ago?

Is this Fully Compliant?
As most (probably all) of you would know, i don't exactly post much, however, I do read a lot and like to keep abreast on what is going on on here, and in the vape world in general.

The one thing that I do know is that to be Fully compliant (In your words) means that you comply with the regulations regarding what juice producers can or cannot sell After 20th May 2016

"fully compliant with regulations"

Now, to me, that would mean not stocking items that weren't for sale pre May 20th

And so would it be fair to say that the items that are for sale on both Cotswold Vapour & Phileas Fogg websites (or shops for that matter) have been offered for sale before May 20th? Im assuming that by being Fully Compliant this would mean that both do not sell Juice or products that weren't offered for sale pre May 20th?

I only ask as i have bought from Phileas Fogg on numerous occasions, and when i went to order again earlier i noticed that the site now has 20ml Nic Base available to buy?

Now I am fairly confident that these weren't there 2 weeks ago?

Is this Fully Compliant?
Heya bud, your interpretation is bang on, however the nic base you mention would be a pre-notified product from one of my suppliers ( no point in branding a generic base )

The intention is to notify all the flavours in 18mg or 20mg - and if funds allow, other nic quantities

On top of this, there will be a desire for greater quantities, which will only leave an option of a doubler type affair

We haven't yet worked out if there will be a market for the nic base / concentrate route, but I assure you I have no intention of leaving pfvapes.ltd commercially exposed to be made an example of by trading standards!

Edit as my spelling is atrocious lol
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