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Recommend me a new dripper


Dec 1, 2013
I'll start off with what I already own, all clones: 2x Plumeveil, brass monkee, cats, 2x Tobh V2, Castle, IGO M, IGO W, Orieco POP-A and a Stillare.

My favourites are the Plumeveil, Monkee and Tobh's yet find the plumeveil a bit restricted for real low ohms builds yet the monkee and tobh blow it out for flavour, the fact the center post spins on the plumeveil is also a pain with thick gauge wire. Also find the IGO M has a bit too much airflow leaving my clouds fucking big, but with little density, and I like a bit of both which is why the plumeveil is currently number 1.

I'm looking for something that has a lot of airflow, preferably adjustable AFC, has a split center post for big wire builds, also has a good built quality and doesn't allow posts to spin yet will deliver more than the plumeveil for clouds and more flavour than the Tobh... At this point I think I need the moon on a stick :D

I've been eying up the Zenith V2 and also trying to find a Tobh V2.5 clone, those two seem to be my best options at the moment that I've found but I'm open to more recommendation even if it doesn't meed my building needs.. just as long as it will meet my vaping needs. Something that works sweet with .1 builds and with a little adjustment sweet with .7 builds too for when I'm mooching around work and can't have huge clouds.

The amount of choice that's flooding the market at the mo is crazy, specially over on FT I mean Cerberus, Apo, Kryptex and Miser!? I'm not even certain that those are original devices :30:
Well I'm loving the Omega you peddled me to be honest. :) What about the Vulcan or the Magma?
@Chris_vapehead I've been looking at the Vulcan but the only place I could find it was out of stock and I've not seen many reviews on it! I've looked at the Magma countless amounts of times as well but I get the impression it's a proper marmite RDA, some people rave over it claiming it's an all day dripper and some people say it's crap compared to the likes of the Zenith V2 or Tobh, so I'm really split on the Magma! Also unsure if the airholes are enough for dual .6 builds!

Glad you're liking the Omega :)
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The Veritas is an interesting beast... it can chuck if it's coiled and wicked correctly.. but i found it a bit of a pain in the ass.. and there might not be enough airflow for you... worth a look anyways.
Tutterz Yeah only place I've even seen stocking the Vulcan is Grey Haze but as you say its out of stock. Looks damn smart mind you and I'd happily have one myself. :) Seems to be a lot of mixed opinion on the Magma too some people swear by it and other say it offers nothing new at all. I'm only going by what I've read on various forums though not personal experience.
@Chris_vapehead I've been looking at the Vulcan but the only place I could find it was out of stock and I've not seen many reviews on it! I've looked at the Magma countless amounts of times as well but I get the impression it's a proper marmite RDA, some people rave over it claiming it's an all day dripper and some people say it's crap compared to the likes of the Zenith V2 or Tobh, so I'm really split on the Magma! Also unsure if the airholes are enough for dual .6 builds!

Glad you're liking the Omega :)

Got Vulcan bargain for original but no afc and I get the impression the airflow may be too small for you
Feels like 2x2.5 to me
Magma have original and I love it as a flavour machine run it on middle holes good afc and largest is 2x 3mm holes can chuck clouds
Vulcan comes with good spares pack too and decent post holes (I run ribbon 1mm wide)
If you need more air I suspect careful drilling in the u and c may sort it
Oh and magma has largest well I have ever seen half as big again as Origen
Tobh cap fits Vulcan by the way
Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes
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Got Vulcan bargain for original but no afc and I get the impression the airflow may be too small for you
Feels like 2x2.5 to me
Magma have original and I love it as a flavour machine run it on middle holes good afc and largest is 2x 3mm holes can chuck clouds
Vulcan comes with good spares pack too and decent post holes (I run ribbon 1mm wide)
If you need more air I suspect careful drilling in the u and c may sort it
Oh and magma has largest well I have ever seen half as big again as Origen
Tobh cap fits Vulcan by the way
Sent from (who cares) using Planet of the Vapes

2x3mm on the magma you say? I could probably get away with that to be honest as the big juice well is pretty enticing... What's it like in comparison to say, a tobh?
2x3mm on the magma you say? I could probably get away with that to be honest as the big juice well is pretty enticing... What's it like in comparison to say, a tobh?

I have not tried TOBH I have had trident v2, omega, origen v2, atomic, vertex, Vulcan and magma with veritas on way from forum member
magma is all about flavour IMO though the airflow is there should you want it but it has reduced domed top cap and airflow beneath coils
just bear in mind it is 2 post design so you will be building to hole centres not posts if that makes sense (think turbo charged kayfun)
my most flavoursome RDA was origen this is better IMO
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