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Recommended Tobacco flavour based 'One Shots'

Inawera American dream is good at 4%, light tobacco creams n touch of vanilla.
for added nutty goodness amp it up with 2% FA Nutzilla and 0.25 % FA Pistachio...... but it's fine on its own

still intending to nab that one the next time i order from them.
I don't mind heavy on tobacco but I don't usually like RY4's much... but I'm not sure why, I'm not sure if it's the tobacco or the caramel or something else... but they always seem to have a flavour note I'm not that keen on.

this seems to be different.... Im not getting the usual creams , caramel , vanilla, prob cos of the baccy.... for me it needs softening up with them, for you prob not so
Yeah, it's super vague, like the Rope Cut Arcadia.... I think they all just taste like TPA RY4 double and I wouldn't want to vape that on it's own either.

aye ry4 double is useless.

i’ve been revisiting the FA ry ones recently. there is a definite tobacco hit with them, but it’s more the hit on the throat than an actual flavour. they are definitely puffable by themselves I think.
aye ry4 double is useless.

i’ve been revisiting the FA ry ones recently. there is a definite tobacco hit with them, but it’s more the hit on the throat than an actual flavour. they are definitely puffable by themselves I think.

I think all the Flavorah ones I have are pretty puffable on their own too..... but I don't really enjoy plain tobaccos that much.
The best RY4 I ever had was back in the day from vapology ( sadly well gone) , you could add double shots n stuff to tailor it...great stuff it was
lol, as we are talking about mixing now anyway.... I have some of this steeping, only thing I didn't have was the vanilla bean, so I subbed that with some INW shisha vanilla. It's smelling pretty good, looking forward to trying it.

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