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Regulated Mods & Amp Draw - someone teach me something


Oct 29, 2014
Hi fellow planet goers,

This maybe a question that has been answered to a fasion throughout threads I've been reading. But for my own, and my OH's peace of mind I'd still like a hard factual answer on the following.

What kind of Amp draw do Regulated Mods (more specifically a DNA 35 clone) pull?

This came to my mind as the vendor I purchased the device from recommends say VTC5s over Purple Efests for 20+ Watts.

I mean, I know they can fire down to .3 ohms. But does the chip can't pull more than 4.2V right? so surely the max I can draw from my battery is 14 Amps right?

Or do I have no idea how these buck? circuits work. Help!
Hi fellow planet goers,

This maybe a question that has been answered to a fasion throughout threads I've been reading. But for my own, and my OH's peace of mind I'd still like a hard factual answer on the following.

What kind of Amp draw do Regulated Mods (more specifically a DNA 35 clone) pull?

This came to my mind as the vendor I purchased the device from recommends say VTC5s over Purple Efests for 20+ Watts.

I mean, I know they can fire down to .3 ohms. But does the chip can't pull more than 4.2V right? so surely the max I can draw from my battery is 14 Amps right?

Or do I have no idea how these buck? circuits work. Help!

Have a fiddle with an ohms law calculator. Enter in resistance and wattage and you'll see. I'd be more concerned about the DNA clone than the batteries amp draw though.
Have a fiddle with an ohms law calculator. Enter in resistance and wattage and you'll see. I'd be more concerned about the DNA clone than the batteries amp draw though.

Again though, that comes out with 10.8 Amps with a .3 ohm coil @ 35Watts. That would say to me the Purple Efests I've ran on my Mech @ .24 ohms would be fine right?

They didn't get warm when vaping that coil for a few hours.

I just want to be sure I'm working it out correctly.
Again though, that comes out with 10.8 Amps with a .3 ohm coil @ 35Watts. That would say to me the Purple Efests I've ran on my Mech @ .24 ohms would be fine right?

They didn't get warm when vaping that coil for a few hours.

I just want to be sure I'm working it out correctly.

.24 Supposedly pulls 17.5a. Which efests did you get? The 35a or 30a ones.
They are 35A 2500mah 18650s. Chargin them in a Nitecore D2. The 'clapton' in my Mephisto atm is 0.35 ohms.
Purple Efests are fine in a regulated mod.

Was he trying to sell you VTC5's by any chance? These are no longer made and any you find will be fakes. Genuine ones would be worth a fortune.
Hi fellow planet goers,

This maybe a question that has been answered to a fasion throughout threads I've been reading. But for my own, and my OH's peace of mind I'd still like a hard factual answer on the following.

What kind of Amp draw do Regulated Mods (more specifically a DNA 35 clone) pull?

This came to my mind as the vendor I purchased the device from recommends say VTC5s over Purple Efests for 20+ Watts.

I mean, I know they can fire down to .3 ohms. But does the chip can't pull more than 4.2V right? so surely the max I can draw from my battery is 14 Amps right?

Or do I have no idea how these buck? circuits work. Help!

You can use any battery with a 20a or greater limit in a DNA type device, remember that when you turn up the watts on a DNA it ups the voltage applied to the coil so you will find that you need to check what voltage it's firing at before you work out what current it's drawing....
A simple ohms law calculator gets you pretty close to what your looking for. There are two knowns, one is 35W the other is 4.2V that give's you 8.333A. It's not as simple as that though as many regulated boards don't have step down so when building low resistance which would require dropping the voltage to stay under 35W or what ever they don't or can't do it so if it will fire it at all it just dumps the battery voltage into it. This means if your mod will fire a 0.3ohm coil you are right with your 14A figure as long as it won't fire anything below that.

Steam Engine Calculator is a great calculator, even has a regulated option in the battery drain section and makes allowances for the efficiency of the board itself. It has preset values for a lot of the main batteries and gives lots of information on one screen. I can't seem to find a way to set it up for non step down regulated mods though.

As others have said, your batteries are fine for your mod.
You can use any battery with a 20a or greater limit in a DNA type device, remember that when you turn up the watts on a DNA it ups the voltage applied to the coil so you will find that you need to check what voltage it's firing at before you work out what current it's drawing....

That would only give you the current it's firing through your atty not the current it's pulling from your battery, they are two different things.
Purple Efests are fine in a regulated mod.

Was he trying to sell you VTC5's by any chance? These are no longer made and any you find will be fakes. Genuine ones would be worth a fortune.

Nope - he wasn't. Just making me find the answers, (which I've tried haha). Rather than giving a good confirmation.

You can use any battery with a 20a or greater limit in a DNA type device, remember that when you turn up the watts on a DNA it ups the voltage applied to the coil so you will find that you need to check what voltage it's firing at before you work out what current it's drawing....

I do hope my DNA 35, does not draw 4.2 Volts when set @ 35W firing a .3 coil...

A simple ohms law calculator gets you pretty close to what your looking for. There are two knowns, one is 35W the other is 4.2V that give's you 8.333A. It's not as simple as that though as many regulated boards don't have step down so when building low resistance which would require dropping the voltage to stay under 35W or what ever they don't or can't do it so if it will fire it at all it just dumps the battery voltage into it. This means if your mod will fire a 0.3ohm coil you are right with your 14A figure as long as it won't fire anything below that.

Steam Engine Calculator is a great calculator, even has a regulated option in the battery drain section and makes allowances for the efficiency of the board itself. It has preset values for a lot of the main batteries and gives lots of information on one screen. I can't seem to find a way to set it up for non step down regulated mods though.

As others have said, your batteries are fine for your mod.

I use that site, the main point I wanted to get at was if it's firing @ 4.5 V is it drawing that from my battery, or does the circuitry step it up?
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