I think I am going to be in need of some urgent help on phrasing tomorrow or Friday. Essentially I think I am going to need to point out that IPSOS is a completely and utterly toothless wonder that despite having upheld my claim has no intention of holding the paper to account in any meaningful way. If anyone has any key phrases I should be looking to include please share.
Essentially where we are at present is that IPSOS have effectively upheld my complaint, though they have never said that out loud.
The newspaper have repeatedly offered to add a footnote to the original article that I have repeatedly refused to accept as an acceptable outcome.
I have suggested an article featuring the work of Dr Farsalinos and/or Louise Ross would be an acceptable way to rectify some of the harm done by the original article.
The paper have repeatedly said they will consider this should Dr Farsalinos's research prove to be 'newsworthy'
IPSOS have repeatedly asked me to close the case on this basis, which you can bloody guarantee would mean the research would be deemed 'un-newsworthy' and a footnote would be the end result.
I have repeatedly refused to close the case and held it open pending the release of Dr Farsalinos's results.
I have also updated IPSOS regarding the frequency with which the editors of the Mirror group do appear to find the subject of e-cigarettes 'newsworthy'.
The most recent deadline for closure of the case was 20/5/15, unfortunately for them Dr Farsalinos released an abbreviated outline of his results before midnight, and the full text is now available
Fortunately for me I was online when it happened so they can screw their bloody deadline.
I am therefore of the opinion that I am going to be getting an email tomorrow declaring the work of Dr Farsalinos to be 'un-newsworthy' and requesting yet again that I settle for a footnote on an article that no-one will ever read again for the simple reason that it is not NEWS. What that means is that I will be looking to take my complaint further and work out how to make a complaint against IPSOS for not doing their bloody job.
Suggestions gratefully received.
steffijade HELP!