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Review - ohm meter - madvapes.com


Jul 11, 2012
Paid for this with my own cash.

Got this all the way from the states, great wee bit of kit for checking the resistance of your devices.


Easily test cartomizers and atomizers without having to use a meter. Simply screw on a cartomizer or atomizer and this tester will show you the ohms. Great for testing ohms or for bad cartomizers or atomizers. The ohm meter will read a 1 in the first digit to the left if there is no current flow through the device. Accurate to +-0.2%. Will read from 0.01 to 9.99 ohms. Simple and easy to use with native 510 and 901/808 connectors. Extensions or adapters can be used to test other atomizers or cartomizers as well as eGo style atomizers and cartomizers. The test amperage is only 3 milliamps and will not produce heat at the coil of the atomizer or cartomizer you are testing.
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You could always knock one up yourself for about a tenner.....

2013-09-10 11.59.43.jpg
lol thought you were weighing it. Think theres a post on here somewhere with the parts needed etc? might have a go myself if its easy enough.
Fasttech are supossed to be selling one soon, I also hear a stealthy vendor is too ;)
lol thought you were weighing it. Think theres a post on here somewhere with the parts needed etc? might have a go myself if its easy enough.

Ha ha! It does look like a set of scales. It's temporarily mounted in a flat cardbaord box until I find a more suitable enclosure.... :-)
Fasttech are supossed to be selling one soon, I also hear a stealthy vendor is too ;)
Well hopefully that stealthy vendor gives us the drop so we can take all that stock off his hands before everyone else gets the chance :D
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