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Reviewers & Influencers: Do You Care?

If it`s for a tank etc I will always read what others have wrote on here & watch a few vids before I part with money. As for liquids - not interested my taste buds are unique to me.
Really depends on the target market & type of product with what works, marketing 101
Somebody had to say it. But, it must be said. Many normal advertising and influencing channels are closed to the vape industry, so it must still be a headache to sort.
TBH, I can't really be arsed with youtube reviews. Why spent 30 minutes listening to Vic or Zophie spout on for the umpteenth time... way too long winded and too little information.

The folk on here will give me more information and a better, more rounded selection of opinions in a fraction of the time. Apes like @Crewella, @eyeball kid, @ZT and @rew... they know about the kind of stuff I like and I know I'm getting solid info

Exactly this.

Far too much hassle going threw a 30 minute review where they spend more time talking about the material the box is made out or some other rubbish I'm not interested in instead of the actual device or tank.

I'll take my advice and suggestions from trusted Apes on here like @DeeDee @nwhornet or any Ape that @MHL said above over any social media reviewer.
I agree. I do watch the occasional you tube video but skip most of the boring stuff.

If im looking at buying anything i use this forum, see if there are any reviews on here, if not i ask on here.

I trust the potv family much more.

When i review Im always honest, the good, bad and ugly. I trust the other reviewers on here.
We all help each other on recommendations.

Somebody had to say it. But, it must be said. Many normal advertising and influencing channels are closed to the vape industry, so it must still be a headache to sort.

Still need to know your target market, all the advertising won't help if it's directed in the wrong place, also with all the companies playing catch-up the market is seeing new products every week and companies are releasing everything within in a very short amount of time, if it's the same old type of thing and from a relatively unknown, I wouldn't bet on it doing well

As for the op , might of been a good idea to state what they're trying to promote as this thread will undoubtedly get more looks than one of just the product, can't say I've heard of them either tbh unless they're related to the V2 stuff?
Hi POTV community,

I'm writing with the interest in knowing whether you genuinely care about 'promoters' and 'influencers' showing off the latest vape devices they have been sent?

For complete transparency, we get sent a lot of requests - and follow through on some, but with no 'reuslts'. No additional sales on any of our brands, no followers, and very little interaction. We also try to source out people to help promote our products, brand, and in recent months, a brand new product to the UK...

I would like your thoughts and well, feedback, if there are any accounts you follow and believe do a good job; whether you think they are a complete joke to your social media feeds; whther you think there is no place for it; whether you think it is nessecary for you to keep updated with new products; whether you actually believe what they are saying; or something else entirely?
You’re looking at one prong on a marketing fork.

No idea who you’ve used, but the promotion needs to be maximised with an ongoing strategy to engage with consumers. Looking at one of your SM accounts sees just three people liking most posts - which are pretty dry and dull.

If you’re asking on here if influencers work then they clearly aren’t at the moment. So the question isn’t if but why. I think you need more pep.
You’re looking at one prong on a marketing fork.

No idea who you’ve used, but the promotion needs to be maximised with an ongoing strategy to engage with consumers. Looking at one of your SM accounts sees just three people liking most posts - which are pretty dry and dull.

If you’re asking on here if influencers work then they clearly aren’t at the moment. So the question isn’t if but why. I think you need more pep.
I haven’t heard that word in years

you sir need more pep! And grit! And spunk by golly
When I'm looking for gear or liquid, I use the pep on here. I find that everyone gives a genuine opinion and, if there's something good out there, I'm pretty sure there will be a discussion about it on here - I got my best kit and liquid at the time when I really needed it by following a thread on here that discussed every aspect of it for several weeks.

I always read the reviews on liquids on the site I'm buying from. This does have some influence on what I'm buying but I also keep an open mind, knowing the journey my taste buds have gone on since packing in the fags.
We do tend to plough our own furrows here.
it's more about good products targeted at the right people on here and that happens naturally.
I do a few review's for a couple of companies but that only remains positive due to them allowing me to pick and choose items that I think will be of interest in here.
I think a lot of us have been asked to review something a hundred or more times or random product by a hundred vendor's but there's absolutely zero point polishing turds or even good products that don't fit for the folks here as they will have none of it. It's got to be of use.
most influencing here is just the sharing of an exciting discovery. Very recently had run on the yachtvape pandora rta. Probably sold quite a few but it was one member seeing the advert, a couple of us giving it a go, showing it's benefits and away it goes.
It's a saturated market. Here the key is identifying the right product's for the right sub groups then actually getting a trusted member excited about it. It then sells itself by virtue of it being useful.
very few on here are sucked in by colourful social media faces or zazzy adverts.
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