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Reviewers & Influencers: Do You Care?

I only look at video reviews If I've already researched a product from varying sellers and pretty much decided it's the one I want. I prefer well written reviews from knowledgeable people. Not vapid talking from a person solely attempting to make money/themselves famous on a platform I can't stand (Youtube etc.). That's my own opinion.
Not all reviewers get money and some milk it for as much as they can. It's easy to spot the latter because the will say something is great even though it's utter shite. The POTV reviewers are genuine imo so i read their reviews if it's something i am interested in.
can’t be worse than the goblin mini. :)

anyway why does this thread mention influencers? are they not targeting 13 year olds on tic tok?

I don't mind my goblin mini sometimes...

"Influencer" is the new term for one who, once upon a time, would have been called a "personality".

Somebody must have noticed that personality is one thing the majority of these airheads lack...
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