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Rip - you must be trippin, brah

Btw, I had to do a search to find out who the guy was and I had seen one of his videos btw, he was an incompetent fool who couldn't string a sentence together, dropped shit all over the place etc.

You realize you just described Todd? ...and thats why we love him.

I'll tell you why these accusations against Rip are nonsense. He runs a juice company, and he seems to do it successfully. He IS a manufacturer. He doesn't need to be getting free shit... he gives it away anyhow. He is in no rush to be the first to review stuff. sometimes he is months behind.

His niche is finding the very best gear for flavour (so you can taste his juices). If he started reviewing any old shit for money, bang goes his niche. And pissing off people in the industry is not going to be in his interest.

I have told Rip that it is fucking annoying when he keeps saying "sick as tits" and "bad boy" and I took the piss out of him for it. So I am taking credit for him toning that BS down :P
He is less annoying now than he was, but I am not impressed by the hipster bullshit, and yet Rip is my go-to-guy when it comes to choosing an RDA because he has never steered me wrong. I trust him more than any other reviewer because as far as I can see, he only bothers to review stuff he really likes (or hates) and suits his vaping style, which is close to my vaping style. I don't even really see him as a reviewer.

Most of these guys will review anything they can get their hands on and are fighting to be first to upload a video.

If I were Rip and people started asking me to review aps. I would ask for a cut too. It is going to take him hours to learn the product, shoot the video, edit it, and it is promoting it off the back of his other work, why the hell shouldn't he get in on that action? The hard part about making money from things like aps is marketing them and Rip would be doing a big chunk of their work for them and he knows it.

Twisted has nothing to offer me. He is just another reviewer.
"I did not make the original claims nor did I make the claim he tried to make me pay him for 'positive reviews'. The only payment he asked for was for advertisement."

...says Twisted's 'source' today. lol. ;) PR Stunt, the whole thing.
I have watched both Rip & 420 do reviews.

I have never "subscribed" to Rip's channel,I did "subscribe" to 420's for all of a day before he reviewed an RDA with a bloody propeller in it that made a cross-channel hovercraft sound quiet.He thought it absolutely brilliant(being the brainless chunt he is,with a mental age of 6)I thought,WTF has he been inhaling?

I am bored of American reviewers,they all seem to possess a habit/inflection that just rubs me up the wrong way which when added to their accents is sufficient to make me avoid them.I do watch Todd & Damien,though Damien is also starting to bug me a little of late.

I no longer need to discover anything about vaping gear as I possess all I require to sate my nicotine requirements,I just enjoy chilling in front of the TV and watching Todd.The devices Damien has reviewed recently are very nice looking,but I doubt I'd be prepared to pay several hundred pounds out for what is basically a VV/VW board hidden by some polished plastic.

If a reviewer gets paid for a positive review,that's wrong.If a reviewer gets paid for reviewing gear,so what.If they want to start flaming each other,so what.All that proves is that some yanks are arseholes.
You realize you just described Todd? ...and thats why we love him.

I'll tell you why these accusations against Rip are nonsense. He runs a juice company, and he seems to do it successfully. He IS a manufacturer. He doesn't need to be getting free shit... he gives it away anyhow. He is in no rush to be the first to review stuff. sometimes he is months behind.

His niche is finding the very best gear for flavour (so you can taste his juices). If he started reviewing any old shit for money, bang goes his niche. And pissing off people in the industry is not going to be in his interest.

I have told Rip that it is fucking annoying when he keeps saying "sick as tits" and "bad boy" and I took the piss out of him for it. So I am taking credit for him toning that BS down :P
He is less annoying now than he was, but I am not impressed by the hipster bullshit, and yet Rip is my go-to-guy when it comes to choosing an RDA because he has never steered me wrong. I trust him more than any other reviewer because as far as I can see, he only bothers to review stuff he really likes (or hates) and suits his vaping style, which is close to my vaping style. I don't even really see him as a reviewer.

Most of these guys will review anything they can get their hands on and are fighting to be first to upload a video.

If I were Rip and people started asking me to review aps. I would ask for a cut too. It is going to take him hours to learn the product, shoot the video, edit it, and it is promoting it off the back of his other work, why the hell shouldn't he get in on that action? The hard part about making money from things like aps is marketing them and Rip would be doing a big chunk of their work for them and he knows it.

Twisted has nothing to offer me. He is just another reviewer.

You took the words right out of my mouth, ...No, you said it better. Not subscribing to the nonsense.

Yes, Rip is among the best out there for telling & showing stuff well. Does he annoy me ? Not one bit, not one jot !
Time to stick my 2p in...

I hate the Drama Llama, I don't get involved. Twisted and Rip are entertainment imo and will give you some sort of idea of an item, if I'm looking for an honest review on YouTube, I'll go for the smaller ones like Butt Kickers Reviews (I mention him as I interact with him on a pretty much daily basis over on G+ and the guy is sound) and I'll go to the community at large, the best option imo. If they want to carry on like squabbling children, it's up to them. Give me the hassle free, easy life any day.
Can we all just agree that this whole thing has been far less annoying, and somewhat more entertaining than Tit Ripper's annoying bullshit. He takes good close up video of shit I might want to buy, and I'll watch them with the sound turned off if I have to, but his coil build build videos aren't as detailed as the guys who do the original build videos he's copying them from (big up twistedmesses).
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