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Roll Call For "By Leo" Products


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Well I guess we should start somewhere?

My beloved Mecha b0d with a Sophia and Cage Tank

Carol's Mecha b0d and Sophia/Cage Setup and her Lab with the same Setup on top.

Then I discovered The Calix!!

The Calix V2 was THE Game Changer as far as I was concerned. The V2 Base stopped all the very minor leaking issues that plagued the V1 at its 510 Pin.

Also we have the Apollo RDA which features the same Build Deck as The Calixes, in fact, it was the forerunner
Seen here on top of the Mecha Atlas Mod (26650)

My everyday set ups that I cannot be without :D



I was going to pop this on something posh but this is how its used.

The Apollo will follow as it's been in heavy use and mrs kid say's. You cant photograph that. It looks like a tramps vest.
Nice. Any thoughts about a new bf bottom airflow rda. Would go nice with my apollo.
Nothing in the immediate future. I have started making some models, but they're still just bits and pieces.
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