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Rose V2 Banter..

Well that was a bugger of a first build.

Microcoil built. Went to seat it after trimming the legs and it pushed back through. Couldn't get the bloody thing back in.

Repeat x3.

Microcoil number 4 gets seated nice and securely, reads 9.9 on the Ohm reader. Short. Fuck.

Rip it out, build number 5. Short again.

Decide that I will just go with a standard silica build. In seated no problem. Reading as a short again. At this point I remember that it has an adjustable 510. Screw it out a bit, 1 ohm. Arse. I could have saved myself a foot of kanthal.

It is a little lower than I normally prefer, but it is vaping nicely. Hopefully it will get a bit easier.

Only niggle now is that it will not fit on the viggo. Might just be the threads needing a clean, but it seemed too big.
Spoke too soon. Burnt wick gagging.

Need to figure out the juice control thing I think.

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I tend to just screw the juice control half a turn. Never had a dry hit or had it flood.
Bear in mind that if you go too crazy on the juice control, juice will leak out of the 510 connector ... happen to me when I first got one.
The way I've worked my juice control is to saturate the wicks when building, then closing the juice control completely. Then vape! Soon as I notice it getting a bit dry, open the juice control a half turn or so. Then a few unpowered pulls to get it going, keeping an eye out for a small bubble maybe, then just repeat: vape till I notice it's a bit dry, open it up a bit more. Sooner or later, depending on the juice, wick material etc, you won't need to open it up any more! It takes a bit of time to get it set, but doing it this way I've had minimal problems and a pretty great vape~
Just subscribing to this thread for later as I have a parcel waiting at home... :D
First build on this thing, 0.6mm Kanthal, about 8 turns and wicked with cotton.
It's a dense, warm, very tasty vape, can I improve on this?


It does get very hot, the thing was still warm 10 minutes after putting it down yesterday!
Theres a few builds on their Facebook group as well as handy info
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