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Rose3 - help me love it: juiceflow

I was lucky with my sxk ones. Always behaved. I've passed one onto a fellow ape now but I still use the other (when I can be arsed to wick it). Never had any issues but I suspect that's down to running at sub 20w. Just inherited another cthulhu mini from mrs kid as she can't settle on mtl (back to Robs Kayfun v5 for her). I look forward to her either forgetting to open the juice control and getting a dry hit or leaving it open when filling and getting a mod full of juice.
I had an SXK Rose 3 to test when I was deciding what tank to get for the Mrs - when I got it right it was a brilliant vape, but more often than not it leaked as the liquid control would move the wick cup and knock the wick out of place = leaks. This didn't happen on the genuine article.

There are some B grade Rose 3 TPD versions on the Eden Mods site currently for £30 - well worth it at that price.

Edit - just checked and they are sold out :(
Snagged a TPD version recently from @jj87 :) I'll let you know my thoughts once it arrives. IF it does what I am hoping, there may well be a Pre TPD one hitting the market. :)
It is all too possible that it is a clone issue, although anything else I have from sxk has been top notch. On the other hand it is a more complex design than most. Dry hits are rare, mostly floods. I will try with a bigger diametre and higher coil and see. I also had the issue with the chimney moving the cup but rarely. Thanks all!
Does it have a mind of its own? I filled it up and now it works properly, without any adjustment from the build shown above.
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