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Feb 17, 2015
Ok so for the last say best part of a year I have been happily vaping away with a pair of aspire nautilus tanks with 30/40w isticks one for the manabush range and the other for Red astaire as they were the only liquids I found I really liked, and the after breaking many protanks/aerotanks/iclears and even nautilus usually by getting them stuck to the istick etc and breaking the glass, found that with the steel mesh cage the nautilus was the best going (don't like not being able to see how much juice is left etc so this was perfect)

However I decided to get a few upgrades, partially in panic about the new laws coming in but also out of curiosity, sub ohming always sounded a bit pointless, big clouds but less flavour as I understood it, and straight lung hits? WTF? I never smoked that way, why would you do that

However I decided to get a subtank and evic Mini enjoyed it, did some research and got a Cleito and the other day a cuboid 150w mod, Now these are great and probably going to make my nautilus partly redundant (aside from the scary rate the cleito goes through liquid ..shit the bed, that one greedy fuck...I forgive her though ;)

Now I am seeing load of other stuff I don't understand RBA/RTA tanks etc, griffin,kayuns etc etc so I am wondering if I should look into this stuff, I know the subtank has a RBA but yet to try it so no idea if it is better than the stock coils, are these RBA tanks better than the Cleito etc ?

Which are the best ones to look at ? what do I need extra? are these sub ohm?

figuring I could get one and another mod and then have 2 sun ohm tanks in the cleito and subtank, a few nautilus as back ups and the odd use or probably all day use at the rate sub ohm drinks juice and just have them as a treat,

I'll go to Fastech to save some cash if its a significant difference, no major rush, I just want to get an idea of what my fave set up is going to be so I can be ready for these stupid laws coming in etc and not sure if that's what I have now or something I have yet to try..oh yeah something easy-ish to work with for my fat clumsy fingers would help, nothing too fiddly

Then I am going to have to look into DIY liquid when I find a few flavours to my tastes that I would want a ton of

cheers any help appreciated :)
I love my subtank and now only use the rba deck. I coil around 1.1 to 1.2 ohm using 28awg. It drinks a tad more than the old genitank's running 1.8 ohm. If you don't want to use alot of juice use a higher ohm coil.
I was same as you. I used Naturevape or Fasttech equivalents. I then made 2 purchases of Kayfun Lite clones from apes on here, 5 in total. I was a bit worried about coils and didn`t want to make my own, so I looked on Fasttech and bought 100 1.5 ohm pre-coiled wires, only about $7-8 for good ones. They do go through a bit more liquid than the NV tanks so I only use them in the house and rarely as I bought them in preparation of the TPD coming in, as you did. They are very easy to re-coil when you get used to them. I would buy clones from FT.
Went through similar myself over last few months. Now running claptons on my Griffin pair of Kanthal coils on My Goblin and a single on the Subtank, all around 0.3-0.5ohms. Building was a little hit and miss for the first couple but it soon becomes easier. Steam engine calculator helps with coils and e liquid calculator for juice. Read up on mods and batteries on here and you shouldn't have any problems. I find the flavour much better. but same problem as you, they fucking drink juice at hell of a rate! Started mixing my own juice a few weeks ago and now don't care how much they go through as after the initial outlay you can mix 100ml for the cost of 10ml and again the flavour is great, plenty of recipes out there which will be close to your everyday juice. Give it a go and you won't regret it.
I wouldnt recommend going down the sub-ohm route unless you make your own juice, it can get scary expensive...
Get onto youtube and watch a few reviews - Grimm Green, Ruby Roo and Todd are well worth a viewing and know their stuff. Aye, you might get a bit overwhelmed with information, but if you like the look of a bit of kit, then go get it - if it works then peachy, if no trade it on here. We've all done it until we find that one or several bits of kit that just fit our needs.

Do, however have a look into the Aromamizer as your next tank!!! :D

DIY, well, plenty threads on here and some useful youtubes on that.
This can not be answered quickly as there is a whole host of different options available now... I will just cover one area for you and let other apes chip in...
RTA... mouth to lung like your nautilus. There are 2 tanks that stand right out for you. The Kayfun lite+ and the Taifun GT
Both you have to build no stock coils available. Both use a lot less juice than sub ohm but both give great flavour. They are normally built in the region of 1 to 1.4 ohms and run at around 12-14 watts giving you a great battery life compared to sub ohm. The beauty of these is that there are clones available of the originals and now their popularity is declining you can find easily in the classifieds. If you like the reults then you can go on to an original. New kayfun lite + is about a shade over £50 but a second hand original can be obtained for £35ish. The build quality is excellent. There are other tanks in this general area Cthulhu, KF v4, ubertoot etc but the ones i mentioned are a god starting point.
I used to use nothing but mini nautilus tanks after moving up from an evod. I did try a subtank but didn't enjoy sub ohming or lung hits at all.

In the interest of both saving even more money and future proofing, I wanted to get something rebuildable that was MTL. I decided to try a KFL+. These days, the nautilus tanks sit in the cupboard and I have 5 KFL+s in rotation. It does use a little more juice than a nautilus, but nowhere near what sub ohming uses.
I'm going to chim in with my 2 cent's worth. I'll split the rta market into three sections and recommend some good but cheap options:

1)Subohm rta

UD Bellus (my favourite. Great for flavour when wicked in single coil mode)

Aromamiser (personally my least favourite, mega mega clouds but muted taste for me. Others strongly disagree)

There are tonnes more, but lastly I'll mention the obs crius v3 with velocity deck. It is similar to the griffin.

2) restricted DL/open MTL rta

Aqua SE (great flavour and one of my favourites, but difficult to wick correctly. Fasttech clone is fine but authentic is only 40-50quid)

Hurricane (choose the fastech clone which has the most and best reviews)

Ubertoot uta2 (again, fasttech clone is decent)

Goblin mini v2 (fantastic in single coil mode. Go for the authentic, which is still cheap)

3) MTL rta
Rose v2-s (I think fasttech do a clone, but I don't know how it performs)

Phenomenon lite (fasttech clone is OK)

PICO (the one that comes with the CLR adaptor. It's about $22 on fasttech. This one is a favourite of mine)

Again, there are loads more (kayfun lite, taifun gt2 as previously mentioned).

If you don't know which of these you will like then get one from each category and try them out. That should entertain you for a while!
I seem to have at least one of all the above!! My favorite is the Kayfun Light+ but the Ubertoot is great too. Also the Goblin Mini I do a sort of semi direct lung hit, sounds odd but works for me! Also the Bellus is good if a little leaky when filled up, I have tried everything said on here and it still leaks but only when I fill it up then after a few toots and plenty of kitchen roll to mop up it vapes like a dream. There are so many choices but I love building the coils and stuff, keeps me amused for hours, never watched so little TV for years! Good luck with whatever you choose and as long as you stay off the stinkies all is good.
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