So it can work with the wire I have, strange! when i say dry hits the first few puffs, I dont only mean the very first, actually its fine the very first few (as I primed it) I mean more if I leave my mod for 30mins, then have a few puffs, the first couple (usually the 2nd) is dry, but after this its fine and I can chain vape it. I then put it down for another 30 to 60 mins, then again same problem, first few puffs (usually the 2nd) is dry. Weird!
I am also just putting the cotton on the deck, not covering but right next to the channels, much like pictured before and as seen all over youtube.
I might take it apart again, re build and take some pics so you can all see what I am using, maybe im missing something?
Yes take some pics so we can take a look. It is weird how you only get dry hits after putting it down for 30 minutes or so and then on the 2nd hit. Creating a good vacuum is important, don't fill your tank all the way full leave some space. One thing I do after wicking and filling is on the first hit i take vapor in and then blow it back into the Kayfun and then breath in again, this creates s good vacuum everytime.