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Second national lockdown threat

The second wave is a key feature of pandemic models, it's a certainty. The government told us we were well prepared and we weren't, they promised a world class track and trace system and didn't deliver. We now have a government focusing on everything else except the second lockdown that'll be the only way to survive it. The economy is more important to them than lives when they play with numbers. As with the first wave it's about who they're prepared to throw under the bus. Is it you and yours this time?

I'm searching for reasons to be optimistic about how the govenment handles it and not finding much. I'm searching for reasons to believe that the general population will think and behave appropriately and not finding much. When there's so much shit spiralling out of control, better to control whatever it is you can control.

It might be consoling to blame other age groups or other parts of society for being "the problem" but it might be more constructive to get your own family, the young, the old, the more and the less vulnerable, through the next phase. Their lives should mean more to you than anything or anyone else.
Spot on m8
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