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Series mech - what are the best builds for them?


Apr 7, 2014
I’m after a little help. I’m all up to speed with mechs, kinda know what I like and what I don’t like.

But I have just ordered an extension tube for my Subzero shorty, turning it into a series mech. I would just like some advice on what builds people use for 8.4v?

Using a dual coil on a mech I’m often at about 0.18-0.22ohms using some SS clapton type coils. I did think I could try a single coil rda with the same coil, meaning it would come in at 0.4ish ohms. Would this be a bit much though, setting fire to wicks etc etc.

Would I be better off with a dual coil dripper, maybe just using plain 22/24g SS coils with loads of wraps?

Or as it’s in series, am I better off going back to kanthal, meaning it’s easier to get a higher resistance?

I have a variety of wire, SS, ni80, brochrome, reels of SS fused claptons, claptons and other fancy named stuff.

Any advice on a particular rda? The tube is only 24mm so it would have to be 24mm or smaller...

I’m away now so can’t test it until I’m back on Sunday, but would appreciate any opinions. Even if you don’t personally use series mechs, any input is appreciated...
I will be following this, thinking about a noisy cricket, only because I've never tried one
Imho go for high resistance with kanthal.
0.5ohms blew my face off with the cricket, 1 second tokes and big ass diameter coils.
It wasn't for me.
really depends on the sort vape you like, my favourites are usually a some big fused claptons between 0.35 -0.4 around there, some of the coil builders out there make some nice aliens for series mods, I'm more towards the rowdy side with series
For any series mech it's best to stay above .4 ohms wire type don't matter as long as it's not nickel or titanium I use dual 24awg kanthal at 10 wraps it's still a hot vape but pumps out clouds for days while still being safe ohms are right around .6-.7
Putting all those volts through a single coil always seemed a bit flakey to me and the cotton would get nuked super quick.

28ka1/40ni80, 26ni80/40ni10 Fused Claptons or 28ka1/38ni80 Aliens .34ohms for me, always liked to Kennedy and tm24 for series builds, nice wide posts for beefer coils.

Prefer kanthal on series as you can bring the resistance up on multiple core builds and not have to worry about any ramp up.
In general, you have to do whatever you won't do on a single tube mech. You dont need ni80 or ss, add some extra wire to your coils and aim for 0.45 +. But dont do a single coil just because you are above 0.4, you are going to burn your lips :p
Have look at this
Theres also an android app on playstore called;

"Vape full mech ohms calculator"

Thats really good
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