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Set in my ways at 70/30 - what's 50/50 juice like to squonk?

Dec 23, 2017
I only have 6mg 50/50juice which is way too harsh for me, it's perfect for my little MTL setup.

Mixing up a load of juice sticking to the 70/30 ratio yesterday and it was only until after it occurred to me I've never tried 50/50 juice in a squonker, obviously it's a lot thinner but good or bad in a RDA squonked?

My mind say's it will spit like a camel but I've no experience to base that on.

Anyone squonk 50/50 juice? thoughts and opinions please before I mix a batch to try.

I squonk it and drip it .... it doesn't really make any difference that I can tell.
Great stuff that's good enough for me thanks- off to my Lab (aka kitchen) to mix a batch of something up.
Great stuff that's good enough for me thanks- off to my Lab (aka kitchen) to mix a batch of something up.

bear in mind that I MTL on everything though.... and I use basically the same coils in my RDA's as I would in a tank so they essentially vape the same.
Ah okay thanks, in that case, since I have a couple of MTL Tanks on their way Dvarw and Doggystyle clones I will mix 2 batches, a high nic for MTL and low nic to try squonking, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Fortunately I have PG & VG nic shots so I can 50/50 them to get a high nic level 1% (10mg) for the MTL mix (works in steamengine)

I had tried 6mg but not quite strong enough for 10 watt vape hence going to try 10mg
Why not kill two birds with one stone and get a little strike 18 or some other squonkable mtler?
The Strike looks too tiny for my liking, 18mm, hard enough building on a 22mm, looking for other BF RDA's on FT though thanks
The Strike looks too tiny for my liking, 18mm, hard enough building on a 22mm, looking for other BF RDA's on FT though thanks
18,mm is the magic number for mtl squonking and its very easy to build on as you only want a seven wrap 2.5mm kanthal 28awg or eight wrap nichrome (same diameter) for a mtl coil. 0.8 ish nichrome or 1.1 ish kanthal.
The jorda b is very good too for a 22mm deck.
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