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Set in my ways at 70/30 - what's 50/50 juice like to squonk?

The juice well looks really shallow and looks like it will leak easily when squonking, but read the reviews and 1 user said it was hard to oversquonk, another added to my basket thank you :)

I drip on mine but yeah.... there's not masses of room to fill it up with liquid, but .... you know, it's not a tank. I can drip enough for a good 10 or so pulls, then when I pick it up again I'll drip a bit more and take another 10 pulls .... I guess you'd do the same when squonking.
I'm just hoping to still get the flavour, my current mtl setup is giving me a good throat hit but flavour is weak, got myself a Nautilus 2 tank (0.7 ohm coil) which is better flavour but it's drifting back to sub ohm vapour so not house friendly, shoved my Goblin V3 on for indoors.

But hopefully the Dvarw will improve the experience when it arrives.

But it's coming from China and I am impatient and worried :p
I'm just hoping to still get the flavour, my current mtl setup is giving me a good throat hit but flavour is weak, got myself a Nautilus 2 tank (0.7 ohm coil) which is better flavour but it's drifting back to sub ohm vapour so not house friendly, shoved my Goblin V3 on for indoors.

But hopefully the Dvarw will improve the experience when it arrives.

But it's coming from China and I am impatient and worried :p
If you don't top the flavour of the nautilus with the strike or jorda then your doing something very wrong, lol.
I got this Strike 18 this weekend and have to say I was disappointed with it. It has to be the hardest RDA to build on the screws are tiny and keeping the wires in place as you screw them down you need to use all the fingers on your hand and flavour I got from it was nothing to write home about. The posts are almost in the middle leaving a lot of wasted space on the far side of the coil from the airflow. It just doesn't seem well designed to me. Videos show the posts much further to the side than on the one I received.

For MTL RDAs I have tried the Origen Litttle, the Odis 16 and the beserker. Both the clones have very cheap feeling drip tips that detract from the experience. In all of them I have tried so far there is something lacking in flavour even the beserker the vape always comes out sort of watery compared to an RTA. The flavours are all there but changed in not so good a way. Maybe I am doing something wrong, and I haven't yet given up on getting a nice MTL squonk vape. I have a Jorda B waiting to be tried, but have been enjoying a Rose3 clone I got too much to be playing with anything else recently.

I am currently looking at the Speed Revolution and wondering if that is worth a try
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