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Shire Malt and Long bottom leaf?!


New Member
Mar 27, 2021
Hi.Just signed up today. In the 8years I’ve been vaping I’ve never found any juice I liked better than pipesauces Shire Malt. Does anyone having any idea of its availability in the uk or maybe you’ve found something very similar?
Just googled the eliquid. Wish I knew about it sooner. Looks good.
ZT was last seen heading in the direction of the mixing room!
honestly .. it not one I would attempt!

I can tell you that Paul @The Druid’s Brew was and is a huge fan .. I think Bread of heaven and some of his other liquids are kinda heading in that direction TBH ... take a look at those
Definitely as above. Paul loves those flavours doesn't he and uses them in BOH. I'd definitely give that a go and look out for his Gold version he released sporadically.
Sounds interesting but probably not my cup of tea.
I saw the thread yesterday and did a bit of google foo and found this.........


Then came accross this for Long Bottom which showed it as having Lemon in it......


Then i came across this and this says it has Blueberry in it but it's further supported by a very well known mixer - Smokey Blue so it could be a very good place to start....


Smokeys tuppence worth on the above but she doesn't detail percentages.....


If it was me looking at the recipie not for accuracy cos I've never tried it but I'd swap the Blueberry for Vanilla and drop the overall percentage probably by half at least.
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