everything that's happening in the us and a round the world.should we be worried about vaping business here in the uk. I can't go back to the cigerettes. I think its saved my life where everything else failed.
everything that's happening in the us and a round the world.should we be worried about vaping business here in the uk. I can't go back to the cigerettes. I think its saved my life where everything else failed.
Our Government has far too much of shit storm on its plate at the moment to even consider looking at Vaping. It will be right down the list and depending what happens in the coming months, it could stay at the bottom of that list for along while yet.
Public Health England are still issuing positive statements on vaping and are in full support.
Long term? Who the heck knows so pointless worrying about it.
I get your point,so Im stockpiling. I think they are going to rip the hell out of the prices sooner or later.
I know my husband and family think Im a crazy woman for buying so much vape stuff, but I'm staying on the safe side.
It's a great excuse for me to tell the missus I best get MORE vape shit
I got a few things bookmarked, but I'll wait n see
or rather wait until payday/end of month before going absolute nutz
I'll tell her - look, just think of this crap as all my Chrimbo/Birthday pressies for next 10 years or so
I got enough stuff to see me through for a good while though
if anybody is living week to week then perhaps keep an eye out & look to stock up a bit
that is IF it gets a bit choppy, but don't crap yourself just yet but keep an eye out just in case
The main concern in my mind is that if the US market and perhaps a few of the other larger vaping markets disappear through draconian legislation, will it be worth China's while to continue ecig manufacturing? I know we will probably still have the high end German and Greek manufacturers but they don't cater for the bulk of vapers who simply want something relatively cheap to get them off the cigs.
Before vaping was mainstream there were people modding devices from torches etc which is where the term mod comes from.
Then the industry caught up and the government cast their eyes on vaping and came up with legislation.
Vaping is thriving and if the government push too far vaping will just end up going back to modding and tub mixers.
It's here to stay.
the problem over there is a holes trying to make a buck .. adding crap to liquid or selling thc as oil based .. the kids love it then die .. Darwinism at its best