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should we be worried about uk vaping?

TPD3 is looking to correct some of the things they didn’t anticipate in and tweaking from TPD2 and, Brexit or no, the word from the corridors of Parliament is that it would likely be adopted into legislation regardless.

This is something you could choose to help you favourite advocacy group with by donating time, money or simply clicking on a link that means Amazon pay a donation every time you shop.

Plus, WHO will be pushing nations to get tougher on vaping because latest studies say they are a bunch of dicks.

On the other hand, the organisation that had a possible issue with vaping held satisfactory talks and remains firmly behind tobacco harm reduction as it stands in the U.K. so, everyone of those organisations who released a policy on ecigs? It was one of them. This is good news.

Also plus, and this could be really incredible news, something is currently taking place that “could” (yes I fucking hate using that word)...could throw a rocket up the arse of where you are and aren’t allowed to vape in the most spectacular fashion. No deadline for this but as soon as I hear, POTV will be the absolute first to get the outstanding news - and this means the absolute first to hear. When I was told what was taking place last Friday I laughed. I laughed the laugh of a man who is relishing this outcome.*

On balance, with my advocacy hat on, support your advocacy organisation. We have one, they do a sterling job with no money, there’d be no government committees supporting vaping without the NNA. I don’t get cash from plugging them. And who else is going to attempt to influence TPD3, huh? Ranty blokes with video channels won’t.

*I may be sworn to keep secrets but I did tell them I tend to blab when drunk. Fancypants gin can be sent to Mawsley, Mawsley Towers, The Independent Republic Of Mawsley, nr the 1 Stop, Northants.
Vaping to be allowed in public buildings maybe?
All over the shop. If the thing happens that could well happen, it'll roll us back to pre-TPD days.
I don't remember pre-TPD, I didn't start vaping until just after. From what I've heard, things were way better then [emoji16]
Short answer... No.

Long answer... No, not really.
It wasn't all better ..... tanks were stupidly tall.
As I recall, the tanks where larger and lived by the sea.
Back then you'll remember, we used to soak cotton duvets in Heisenberg, burn them in wood stoves and vape through the chimney. All while shopping in waitrose (cos time's where better I tell yer)…
Vaping in public buildings perhaps but most buildings and transport are privately owned and thus the owner can still ban vaping if they wish.
Could this be the true reason why they are banning vapes makes sense

Do we think the TPD might have saved us from a lot of the shit the Americans are having to deal with?
Welcome Voke. You may have loved to hate it in 2014 because it's a glorified pointless tube that looks like a cigalike, but now you can love to hate it all over again as it's still a glorified pointless tube that looks like a cigalike - but now it is going on sale as an MHRA-approved prescribable smoking cessation device.

So what?

So this. To the average person it looks like a cigalike...but it can be used like a prescribed medicine.

So what?

So this also. It can be used on the train, at the match, in the venue. You average door person hasn't got a blind clue as to the differences between devices. Stealth vaping has become de facto legal (it hasn't, but) and do-able for anybody who cares to take a toke. Upon being approached, "But I am prescribed this by my doctor, you can't stop me" is the order of the day.

Voke is being launched next month

I shall be 'voking' on train station platforms up and down the country, while enjoying seeing LCFC lift the Premier League trophy again this season and at every gig I attend.
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