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Showcasing "Morlock" a 21/20700 sx485j squonker hallmarked sterling silver stabwood mod


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
I'm not having a good time

I lost one crown (as in teeth) on one side, so I had a super spangled plate made a denture the one side loops around my other crown.....so far so good

due to vanity and stupidness, I only put it in last night....

and my other crown the one remaining that I am quite attached too..... fell out

"oh," says I

"I better get the soup on" liz



"Sweeney Todd" 2007 very apt today

Sweeney Todd: [with a smile] These are desperate times, Mrs. Lovett and desperate measures are called for...

for you john my dentist if your reading this I am coming to see you and I'm not a happy bunny.


here is the block the wood is pear and spalted birch about 8 colours


faceplate 2mm thick solid hallmarked sterling silver not crappy plate stuff the real deal all cut by hand


first mock up shot

now the silver needs to be engraved my brief off @Mawsley is to be a celtic knot style this is not a simple as one would think there is a lot of over and under and shading involved a bit like this


ok with that in mind I have spun this around have a gander


banner work on the sides boarded top and the tree of life on the top plate, this is all done by hand not a machine or etched, in total there is about 60grams of silver here. add the bits and we have.

IMG_6093 2.jpg



the mod is a squonker that will take a full size 18mm bottle its also the bigger 20/21700 bad boy battery

so it will be boxed, bagged in a period box for the name.

next time


love my mods then like them....... buy one

can't afford one you think? try me POTV members get a big discount....


  • IMG_6093.jpg
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I used to love drawing celtic designs, deceptively easy looking, they'd take ages to perfect without looking wonky.
Agreed, this one really does appeal. ;)
Holy SHIT. Thats a stunner, the engraving is mental. You should be proud you've made something so nice bud.
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