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Side effects of vaping...

Thanks. Looking for really low nicotine liquids. Mixing own? Love to do it but complete novices right now, although improving by the day. Have no idea about some of the equipment/cartomizers/building your own that are out there. This is becoming a hobby and have had a few cigarettes in the house for 2 months but have absolutely no desire to smoke them, after 30 years smoking that has to be a first. Loving vaping and loving the flavours.

Have a good look around the forum as loads of advice on mixing its really easy, i have just started last month and mixed 4 flavours so far so good
Ordered the no nicotine samples from them and one other liquid at 6mg today - see told you I was learning! Customer response to emails was great and although I had ordered from other low nicotine sites felt I just had to order off them too. Didn't look at options for mix though - still learning. I think the addiction for me is less about nicotine and more about inhaling and exhaling - the vapours (smoke) are just great! Thanks for your advice - much appreciated.
Completely agree. I think the first few months is all about the mind - want enough liquids/atomizers etc around you that you won't go running to the shop for a packet of £7.50 cigarettes because you ran out. Not sure I've broken even yet, but I'm no longer a slave and don't have to think about when I can have my next cigarette!
Side effects

Like most of us, I'm not qualified to give a factual diagnosis or cause, but I reckon the dry flakey sking around the side of my nose is a side effect from vaping. Another probable vaping side effect for me was the one mouth ulcer I had once I got into regular vaping as it was the first one I'd had since I was about 16, and thats far too long ago.

is it common to to have flu like symptoms, this has become regular since I quit
is it common to to have flu like symptoms, this has become regular since I quit

That would be your body clearing itself out most likely, however if it is persistent, see you GP.
Been off the ciggies for a week, vaping for 2. As of yesterday I feel so lethargic it's ridiculous, I had a couple of hours kip this afternoon as I felt completely mullered, even after that, my body just feels like a dead weight I'm dragging along!
Thankfully I'm off work till Tuesday, so I can afford to be a sloth for a bit, but wouldn't mind any advice regarding this, as I've read others have gone through the same.
drink more water? Lower or raise nic intake

thanks for any advice
Hi there,
I hv been searching around for possible side effect for vaping.

Thanks buddy kurlmestoopid for the above. In addition I hv the below side effect to add on just for sharing:-
The good - sorry to the traditional cigarette, I stop as the smells around include the 2nd hand smoke really give me a strong NO to come back. I hv stop successfully.

The bad -
1. Vape almost non stop or dont want to stop as it has no end like cigarette cos it has liquid with large tank.
2. Only way to knows u had enough is to get the higher nicotine dossage says 12ml or 24ml.
3. Since higher nicotine, I get throat heat.
4. Once i stop says going to bed. I can feel the flavour almost all of my body. Eg. If u vape coffee, u will taste and smells coffee until morning. I said almost all of my body thats include pee and stool.
5. Because I smell like coffee the next morning I will fedup of coffee and change to apple and the next day and the next day with many flavour as it has. So I can tell I dont know what is enough or maybe until no others flavour in market so I can stop vaping.

Hope I dont have kidney problem later due to flavouring really strong.

Thanks for reading
Been vaping for 3 weeks now, my voice is really croaky and husky ( I kinda like it ) not been mentioned much that one I dont think. Slight tightening of the chest the first week or so but thats dissapeared, also more money in my pocket for longer, feels good at the end of the day when I still have that £10 note in my pocket! Also found a great app on the iphone, Vapemate, tells you how much you would have spent on analogs and you can input how much you have spent on vaping neat little app, when Im having a moment of weakness I check it out always makes me feel better :)
I have to go ahead and add mine, which seems common for the most part.

Dry mouth is worse than usual
Third day of heavy vaping and my throat is sore with white patches on tonsils AND uvula. I'm going to give it a day or two of rinsing my mouth with saline and if it doesn't go away, I'm going to see the Doctor. It's quite uncomfortable to swallow food. Feels like tonsillitis, but I have no other symptoms, no fever etc.... We'll see!

Ah, just realized, all the dictionaries are going to have to add, "vaping" to their definitions. HA!
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