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Side effects of vaping...

Well now you've depressed me. It says 'it contains a special combination of plant extract and mineral salts so you may find it takes a FEW WEEKS to get used to the unique taste and sensation'
I thought a few weeks sounded bad enough! It's all you use and it still makes you feel like losing the contents of your stomach ...

It really isnt too badd once you get used to it. My teeth n gums feel so much better using it.

Its rank as hell tho. Have you got the mouth wash too?
Re: vAping side affects

Sorry to hijack the thread but I've been vaping for a week now, may I add quite heavy, and i seem not to be able to taste the vape flavours as good as I could, is this normal, could it be somthing to do with not smoking ciggies for a week, it only started today aswell :(
Sorry to hijack the thread but I've been vaping for a week now, may I add quite heavy, and i seem not to be able to taste the vape flavours as good as I could, is this normal, could it be somthing to do with not smoking ciggies for a week, it only started today aswell :(
Taste buds go crazy when you stop smoking and even seasoned Vapers get off days when you can't seem to get a good flavour. It normally goes away by itself. Swapping flavours helps this phenomenon from repeating too often. Nothing to worry about.
Hi when I stopped smoking I didn't have bleeding gums but when I got my teeth cleaned to get rid of the tobacco stains, the dentist told me quite often smoking masks gum disease or inflamed gums,as there is lack of blood to them due to smoking, then it shows up when you stop.
If it doesn't clear up I would get to the dentist for a check.
Hope it gets better.
I have had vapers tongue, it was horrible no taste for 2weeks, followed some suggestions on here, ate salt and vinegar crisps,changed flavours and tried to cut down on the vaping,or vape with no flavour added for a few days, it did the trick.
Ps the advert on the tv for bleeding gums suggest plaque,maybe you need a clean?
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never suffered with bleeding gums...

but as the title asks, my main side affect is a sever dent in my bank balance every month as when i get paid i cant help spending on bloody vape gear ;)

tuesday will be an order for judy and also the guy at alchemist cupboard....oh and maybe cupcake world...oh and a kuwako if my wanted ad gets nothing...and then maybe a vamo...some new tips are required too ;)
Hey ZT :-) Your story sounds a bit like mine. I quit then got some Vapour Lites. When the carts ran out I panicked and had to get these 16mg 10Motives things from Tesco or buy ciggies. Frankly,the Tesco ones are the worst tasting,bitter shite I've vaped,prompting me to get a good kit the next day! 10Motives... A very poor advert for what a decent vape is supposed to be all about! The Vapour Lites actually turned out to be hazelnut but they call it 'tobacco' :-)
Sorry.....bizarre Android phone happening! My last post ended up in the wrong threa entirely. If it looks irrelevant,it's because it is ;-)
Hey ZT :-) Your story sounds a bit like mine. I quit then got some Vapour Lites. When the carts ran out I panicked and had to get these 16mg 10Motives things from Tesco or buy ciggies. Frankly,the Tesco ones are the worst tasting,bitter shite I've vaped,prompting me to get a good kit the next day! 10Motives... A very poor advert for what a decent vape is supposed to be all about! The Vapour Lites actually turned out to be hazelnut but they call it 'tobacco' :-)

Id love too see the thread that was meant for .. coz I cant remember it :)
never suffered with bleeding gums...

but as the title asks, my main side affect is a sever dent in my bank balance every month as when i get paid i cant help spending on bloody vape gear ;)

tuesday will be an order for judy and also the guy at alchemist cupboard....oh and maybe cupcake world...oh and a kuwako if my wanted ad gets nothing...and then maybe a vamo...some new tips are required too ;)

Exactly the same here. Soon as my wage goes in I jump on here and think OOOO I'll try that or ooooo I want that and so on and so on and end up with masses of vaping gear and juices but hey who gives a shit I'd rather spend my money knowing I'm not killing my self!
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