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Side effects of vaping...

vAping side affects

No I've been fine so far what juice are you using? You could be allergic maybe?
Thanks guys i was using juice with pg in it found out i was alergic sore as throat am usin100 vg now no sore throat now but gums wer ok until vaping bin vaping 8 months now
Thanks guys i was using juice with pg in it found out i was alergic sore as throat am usin100 vg now no sore throat now but gums wer ok until vaping bin vaping 8 months now

Hmm could be something else if its been that long?
I've been getting bleeding gums recently and seeing dentist soon. Pretty sure it's not down to Vaping though as I switched a long time ago and this is a recent thing. On a side note corsadyl toothpaste is RANK!
Yes it is mark! But is all i use lol. Its enough to make you puke!

As for the bleeding gums..if you had work done recently and its started since then thats quite the possibility for the cause.
Yes it is mark! But is all i use lol. Its enough to make you puke!

As for the bleeding gums..if you had work done recently and its started since then thats quite the possibility for the cause.
Well now you've depressed me. It says 'it contains a special combination of plant extract and mineral salts so you may find it takes a FEW WEEKS to get used to the unique taste and sensation'
I thought a few weeks sounded bad enough! It's all you use and it still makes you feel like losing the contents of your stomach ...
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