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Side effects of vaping...

Oma, deffo sounds like a combination of two things, the joys of quitting real cigs and an intolerance for PG (which is pretty rare!) but not unheard of! Too much PG dries me out, leaves me with a sore throat, achy tonsils, dry mouth, sneezing and dry skin around my nose! My OH suffered 12 weeks of "detox" from cigs and had the tight chest and horrible sounding cough.
Gotta think about the long term side effects of the smokies too, so it is good to persist with experimentation of alternatives. Hell, even the short term effects, last February, during a real cold spell, at work I went outside for a ciggie, came back in, scarfed down some tea, boom, nosebleed...that was at about 12:30pm, 10pm in a+e, still bleeding, it had been like Carrie in the office, it just didn't stop, two nights in hospital, an inflatable tube shoved so far up my nose it felt like it was pressing into my brain, silver nitrate stiches up the inside of my nose, lots and lots of blood, more blood, and mucus...ahhh, those were the days...all because I needed to go outside for a ciggie, which pulled a blood vessel in combo with the cold, one way, and then had a warm cuppa, pulling it the other way...sweet!
Yikes! That sounds pretty dramatic! My nose bleed stopped as soon as the antihistamines kicked in and I stopped sneezing.

I got a new car 10 days ago (my precioussss) and said from the beginning that I'm not going to smoke in her. Seeing as I'm in and out of my car all day...no other choice than to vape.
So, I've been on my vg vaper practically all day now. But earlier I saw on the pack t's actually 80% vg and 20% pg. We'll see what my immune sys thinks of that. If push comes to shove, I'll have to find 100% vg somewhere but I'm certain I only have to ask here and will be flooded with good suggestions. Up to now I'm feeling fine, the throat hit is certainly smoother and the lung tightness isn't quite as bad as it was with pg.
All for now,
Too much PG dries me out, leaves me with a sore throat, achy tonsils, dry mouth, sneezing and dry skin around my nose!

Hmmm, one thing I've noticed too is a very dry mouth and sneezing more than I used to. The sneezing doesn't bother me too much - might make the OH jump a bit now and again though ;) lol and the dry mouth is counteracted by plenty of tea.

I've also found that just on the inside of my lips gets "dry" almost to the point of chapped lips, but have been putting that down to being out and about in the cold weather. Wonder if that could be down to the PG in the liquid?

Though these are small in the grand scheme of things and I'd rather little niggles like these from vaping to the multitude of serious diseases from smoking tobacco.
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:rotflmao:I was same found is was the pg levels in ejuice ... so i make my own now with more vg in 50/50 is okies
I've been vaping for 4 days and I'm farting like a trooper

Found all this very very helpful thanks guys 1st vape I'm ordering on Friday (payday)
Almost 4 months on and im still getting mouth ulcers and I reckon it's down to the 70/30 pg juice so im now changing my juice over to a 50/50 mix to see if that makes any difference
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