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Side effects of vaping...

Only one I've noticed recently is down to a particular juice - I can toot away on others, but as soon as I start on a certain brand/flavour, within 30 seconds I have major 'bottom burps!!!' :tmi:???!!

Anyone else have a juice that has the 'I.P.R' effect
(*Internal Pressure Release!!!)

I get a lot of heartburn... My family is a.. .ahem.. "farty family" me and 4 boys in the house... the farts are second nature only enhanced by fits of laughter... so I cant quite vouch for an increase in that :P Do certain foods give you the bottom burps quickly as well? Maybe some similarities there?

Broccolli Juice anyone? :P
Lol!!! I can be quite windy, but not all the time (mum tells me off quite a lot as it isn't very 'ladylike', but then I'm not really anyway!). Me and one of my friends and her kids end up having farting competitions when we are all together.... Anyway, I'm drifting, sorry (may be getting blown of course a little!!). But I've been fine all afternoon, just swapped to said juice, and BAM (or more like BBBBRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFF!!!).
:rofl: pm me the name of the juice, I have got to know this one!
Hmmmm, I've found the bottom burping to be a bit of an issue since I started vaping too lol And the need for hydration too, good job I'm a bit of a tea jenny and almost always have a mug of tea by my side. Unless of course I'm down the pub and then it's a decent pint of ale ;) hic!
I cant say that ive noticed my farts being more frequent however I can smell them a lot better now which is nice :D
First week of Vaping rather than smoking, so it's a little difficult for me to say which is a side effect of giving up smoking and which is from vaping.

Dry mouth, counteracted by drinking more, which bring on the side effect of going to the Loo all day long.
Wee smells a bit like sugar puffs! (but maybe it always smelt like that, and i can just smell now)
Sore Gums, as I understand this is from giving up the cigs.
A bit Windier.
Slight insomnia, hence I am on here at 1:30am.
I have another freaking ulcer under my tongue and im convinced its the pg juice. Might try and vape a stronger vg mix if I can find one, failing that I will mix something up with the little nic I have left :)
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