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Side effects of vaping...

Heartburn is probably from PG juices, runny nose (its cold out :P everyones sick!) Im an insomniac too :D

Interesting :)
I found too that high pg can give me heartburn, along with certain flavours, expecially if too high because of my bad DIY or vaped too soon, so they are not well dissolved in the base.
High nic can do that too though.
But runny nose for me is definetely high vg, but I don't mind. Would take runny nose over heartburn anytime.

This said, all that symptoms, if we want to call them like that, could be due to something else. I do tend putting lots of bad and good things to vaping myself, but sometimes the cause can be elsewhere.
Errmmm...anyone noticed there sex drive has increased since giving up the nasties.......Im running about like a schoolboy with a copy of Penthouse...
:umm:...so not a side effect really of vape...or is it.....to much PG in the mix maybe...?
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Errmmm...anyone noticed there sex drive has increased since giving up the nasties.......Im running about like a schoolboy with a copy of Penthouse...
:umm:...so not a side effect really of vape...or is it.....to much PG in the mix maybe...?
Smoking tobacco is a vasoconstrictor I believe, reducing blood flow...and we all need that right ;)
Stop the tar and the rest and thats got to be a good thing and its not uncommon in my 2 yrs of Vaping forum life to hear similar accounts.
That`s a very informative post KMS, Thank you, i feel the need to share another possible side effect that was reported on ECF back when i started my vaping journey, this was in reference to a chappie asking others in the forum if they had noticed it as well, the topic was about "poo" smelling nicer..

soo have any of you done what appears to be a very "American" thing of sticking your head down the bog and sniffing your poo waste to see if it smells of RY4, personally as a British chap i must admit that particular fetish or experience seems to have passed me by with no inclination to "sniff it and see"..

Any positive/ affirmative replies posted below may be quite an interesting read to be honest, not to mention bloody hilarious :) .
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Very true. Also, particularly in the first weeks and months, the thought of having given up smoking can make for a pretty good mood, particularly if smoking was was a constant reason of unhappiness and lighting up a trigger for depression.

Once that negative thought is gone, other thoughts can take over :)
My experiences are limited to worshipping the porcelain god after teenage excesses or a period of food poisoning. Never for post vaping poo aroma sampling sessions :stinker:
lol Roadhoguk I can't say that I've noticed my poo smelling any different. With regards to sleeping, me personally, I felt that since stopping smoking and taking up vaping I have been sleeping much better at night. My sex life has also improved but I'd put that down to my Mrs wanting me more as I'm not smelling of an ashtray coupled with the fact that my Mrs is reading erotic books on her kindle :5:
Side effects hmmm, where should I begin? The first 3 days I had: Chest tightening, sore/dry throat/nasal passages, tummy ache, heartburn, dizzyness, raging headache and still craving/fidgeting for a "real" smoke. All normal, I read. Ok, put up with it, I said, it'll go away. On the 4th day I started sneezing, and I mean sneezing with a capital S! I snoze (lol) so hard and so often I got a nose bleed which wouldn't stop 'cos I kept on sneezing, my eyes burned and itched as if I had fire ants in them, my nose just ran like a tap and my face puffed up like a pilsbury doughman in the oven! Made it to the chemist round the corner who took one look at me and already had a pill and a glass of water waiting by the time I'd reached the counter. I took antihistamines for 3 days until I was back to "normal".
I think I had a slight allergic reaction to something in my e cigs.( english understatement.)
BUT, I'm not giving up! I've bought vg liquid and as of tomorrow, I'm going to try again. I've also gone down in the mg's, I was on 12mg tabacco and that wasn't a hit in the throat, it was a kick with a hob-nailed boot! I've read that vg is a smoother hit anyway so, folks, keep your fingers crossed! I still have some antihistamine meds, just in case...
If I don't report in again, you'll know why...:thud:

Well, if you survive, keep us all updated, and we can try help best we all can with whatever advice we have, there is a wealth of experience here, plenty of it useful, role on tomorrow, and best of luck ;)
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