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Side effects of vaping...

Cheers for that

Was using VIP cartomisers tween June and september and been using liquid since October.
Wouldve thought id be acclimatised by now lol
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Cheers for that

Was using VIP cartomisers tween June and september ( Ego ) and been using liquid since October.
Wouldve thought id be acclimatised by now lol

Sometimes it takes a bit longer. Dehydration could be playing a big part in it. The OH even now after a year gets rattly but if he ups his fluid intake it goes away within a day.

PG is all ready used in Asthma inhalers so I would suspect the docs know the effects that has on lungs!
Also, if you are using PG this could be drying you out. Up your water intake :)

Yes I'm getting nose bleeds now due to PG never had one in my life before. I got some cream for the doctors & I have Nasal sprays for my chest (just Beconase as I used to get blocked up) which I never used, but I am now to help hydrate my mucuses membranes another side effect that I've only recently got.

So fully agree with KMS drink a lot more than you used to it is a very good tip
Hi all, after being a heavy smoker for pretty much 40 years I stopped on Jan 3 when my ego-c arrived. I'm happy to report that so far I've had no side effects at all.
only side effects I have had is not sleeping sometimes so knocked the nic level down and also drinking more. oh and my wallet hurts
No side effects here & I'm happy to report I've not killed anyone yet unlike previous attempts to quit the stinkies when casualties would have been many ... Lol
Only one I've noticed recently is down to a particular juice - I can toot away on others, but as soon as I start on a certain brand/flavour, within 30 seconds I have major 'bottom burps!!!' :tmi:???!!

Anyone else have a juice that has the 'I.P.R' effect
(*Internal Pressure Release!!!)
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