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Side effects of vaping...

Same here,I got mouth ulcers which touch wood have now gone.I'm now into my 3rd month smoke freeand feel great.I do the same and keep swapping and changing what I vape and some days can't seem to get the hit I got with smoking,thought it was just me.just brought two new juices vermilion river summer breeze and kentucky banana I seem to crave sweet stuff at the mo:D
I'm just annoyed that I can't find "THE ONE" - be it juice or man!!! :rofl: Sorry, little off topic there! Absolutely LOVED Paradise Vapes Candy Cane, but now it just not the same so very disappointed - nothing to do with them, something has changed with me! Seems like I have lost my taste and sense of smell, yet when I first started vaping it was all great!!! Hopefully GVC will put me right tomorrow - I'll be GUTTED if it doesn't taste as good as it smells!!!
I acquired a rather large ulcer on the centre of my bottom lip, which seemed to continue INSIDE directly behind it. Was a walloper !Got it the week before Christmas and its only just cleared up.

I suspected it was the vaping. Thought it was due to the odd leak I had from the tank, burning me lips at first.
Heart palpitations, I was having heart palpitations a while back and after some research nicotine was listed as one of the causes, reducing the nicotine dosage solve the problem. Make sure you don't over nic yourselves. :)
I always have 3 or 4 going at once WooWoo a couple of bought and some of mine, it saves getting bored with one flavour :)
Can I ask, has anyone had any upset stomach issues with these ?
Mine has been a bit dodgy for the last wee while ( nothing to do with Xmas excess )
I had a little but nothing to worry about and cleared up after a week or so, the smelly wee was funny though lol :)
Don't know about smelly wee, but smelly pumps, oh crickey! Not really an upset stomach, just loads of excess gas :eek:
Can I ask, has anyone had any upset stomach issues with these ?
Mine has been a bit dodgy for the last wee while ( nothing to do with Xmas excess )
I had wondered that too as a had a doze on and off for about a week after about 5 weeks of vaping. I may just be coincidental, I don't know lol. What else I have noticed and was talking to my mate who joined me in vaping is the odd spot under my hair and he has had the same problem? It doesn't bother me and as soon as I notice one its gone in a day or 2 lol
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