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Side effects of vaping...

I've had smelly wee since the summer. Was using two piece cartomisers back then.
Had it since then though
I've had smelly wee since the summer. Was using two piece cartomisers back then.
Had it since then though
lol I'd try drinking some cranberry juice as this will clean out your urinary track and if your pish is still reeking then i'd maybe go to the doctors for further investigation.
Was there last week mate. Was actually getting tested for diabetes.
Was fine apparently.

Didnt think they were supposed to drink it tho :O

LOL !!!
Was there last week mate. Was actually getting tested for diabetes.
Was fine apparently.

Didnt think they were supposed to drink it tho :O

LOL !!!

lol at least you can get an appointment with your Doctors. I have to wait for 3-4 weeks to get one
Craigshill mate. If u phone at 8:30 am, you'll get one for that day ;)
id get registered there if I were you.
I'm just down the road in Dedridge mate and its a nightmare getting seen here. The receptionists at my practice think that they are bloody Doctors and ask what's wrong with me if I call up. My usual answer is "I don't know, that's why I want to see a Doctor ya muppet" lol
The smelly wee thing is from taking in the flavours and lack of water. If you stay hydrated enough the smell will go.

I get heartburn with PG liquids something horrible.

It is my understanding that the upset tummy will be a side effect of nicotine...remember youre getting it in purer form now than when you smoked and as other issues clear up and go away youll start to notice other things you wouldnt have before.

What i mean is i felt shit all the time when i smoked...now that smoking is out of my system i notice other ailments quicker than before.
I'm not convinced that vaping is that much healthier tbh.

Ive a rattle in my chest that just will not go away.
when I lie in bed at night, I wheeze and whistle WAY more than I used to on analogues.
I'm not convinced that vaping is that much healthier tbh.

Ive a rattle in my chest that just will not go away.
when I lie in bed at night, I wheeze and whistle WAY more than I used to on analogues.

Scientifically it is healthier than smoking. Studies show no effect on the heart or lungs.

A lot of users when quitting smoking and going on to vaping report a rattly chest, but this is not because of the vaping, it is your body clearing out the cigs. I dont remember how long youve been vaping, but it typically takes 12 weeks before you stop "noticing" changes. My OH had a nasty chest for about 3 months, but he only noticed it "more" because he was feeling better all around.

Also, if you are using PG this could be drying you out. Up your water intake :)
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