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Side effects of vaping...

Almost 4 months on and im still getting mouth ulcers and I reckon it's down to the 70/30 pg juice so im now changing my juice over to a 50/50 mix to see if that makes any difference

It will do :)
biggest side effect: severely damaged bank balance! cant say ive noticed anything physical other than a bit of a dry throat at times but i make my juices fairly PG heavy so that may be why
biggest side effect: severely damaged bank balance! cant say ive noticed anything physical other than a bit of a dry throat at times but i make my juices fairly PG heavy so that may be why
#1 side effect directly linked to PG Dry/Sore Throat :)
i must have a leathery old throat anyway after my years of smoking cigs! its never been too bad, not anywhere near causing a sore throat just feeling like i need a drink, so i just have a drink, but once my VG arrives (im sure it should have arrived by now) im going to try making some juices with a higher VG content. im also thinking of making another LF order since they have more stock now so ill get some MTS vape wizard to try out as well (wave goodbye to more of my bank balance!) the list never seems to get shorter!

LF order: various bottles and mixing stuff and 1.8ohm heads for kangers
stealthvape: 18650 3400mah battery, ss mesh, kanthal
siam mods evic 18350 tube or kir fanis tube and 18350 battery (not sure where from yet, be even nicer if someone did a nice titanium tube set)
and more flavours of course and no doubt more stuff soon enough
Not in my case.
Really considering quitting vaping. Fed up with mouth ulcers and this rattle old chest that I've had for weeks !
Felt healthier when I was on the fags tbh !!!

I get mouth ulcers when I'm run Down but they were considerably worse than when I was on the fags,
Not in my case.
Really considering quitting vaping. Fed up with mouth ulcers and this rattle old chest that I've had for weeks !
Felt healthier when I was on the fags tbh !!!

My OH had the chest rattle for 12 weeks. Mind you most of this is from quitting smoking and nowt to do with vaping. As for the mouth Ulcers, are you drinking enough water? Taking a daily vitamin? (Don't say yes if you aren't!!:P) It is very very important to make sure you are hydrated, the mouth ulcers if you have cut back on the PG and increased the VG can be a sign of dehydration. Even with me vaping 50/50 if I don't drink enough WATER in the day (tea coffee and beer doesnt count!) I get an ulcer or two, but nothing that doesnt clear up in a day with increased water intake.

Than again, some people are very sensitive to PG, try a 100% VG juice, along with water increase, and maybe invest in a multi-vitamin, before you pack in the vaping all together?
Since switching to a 50/50 mix my ulcers have vanished and I feel a lot better! Im obviously intolerant to large amounts of pg.
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