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Side effects of vaping...

I thought wee could only smell like Sugarpuffs if you ate Sugarpuffs,which is definitely the case! :-) I'll look out for said cereal aroma in the coming weeks ;-)
After 20 years of smoking, detoxing took a couple weeks this obviously had health effects. Clearing my body from all the chemicals my body was used to, naturally took a while. Vaping at first gave me a dry throat but that passed after a week or so. Probably didnt help vaping 36mg like a steam train to get me off the analogs :D
I have no noticable side effects after 3 months of vaping except a loss of cash from my wallet :P but I wouldnt go back to smelling like an dirty ash tray :)
Hey ZT :-) Your story sounds a bit like mine. I quit then got some Vapour Lites. When the carts ran out I panicked and had to get these 16mg 10Motives things from Tesco or buy ciggies. Frankly,the Tesco ones are the worst tasting,bitter shite I've vaped,prompting me to get a good kit the next day! 10Motives... A very poor advert for what a decent vape is supposed to be all about! The Vapour Lites actually turned out to be hazelnut but they call it 'tobacco' :-)

I'd love to know what thread this should be in because my first vape was 10motives and it's a miracle that I didn't give up on the spot.
Are they supposed to taste of burnt plastic? Mine did. So I bought Red disposables that actually had two antique-style carts. They tasted like new-mown grass! So I bought myself a proper kit.
I have been vaping a month no desire for a ciggi as I enjoy vaping more, which was a bit of a suprise as I have been smoking rollies for forty years B-). I have had no side effects at all other than a dry mouth so more drinking water. My wife says I am in constant hiding because I am always behind a huge cloud of vapour so all good :-). Reminds me when I used to have a huge bong (can I say that?) and those lost decades called the 70's and 80's..... Happy days..... Sadly no longer a pleasure I still have.

Both my husband and I have developed itchy patches, on parts of the body we were probably susceptible to in the past, through allergies or eczema. My husband has complained of excess wind, which seems to have improved over the last 2 months. Itchy patches are getting better with antihistamines and aqueous cream application. Noticed teeth and mouth feel "covered in a sticky film" - cleaning teeth 5 or 6 times a day but hey bet the dentist will be pleased next time we visit! - Maybe it will cut the hygienist bills down too. There's too many upsides to not smoking real cigarettes to let that deter us.
Both my husband and I have developed itchy patches, on parts of the body we were probably susceptible to in the past, through allergies or eczema. My husband has complained of excess wind, which seems to have improved over the last 2 months. Itchy patches are getting better with antihistamines and aqueous cream application. Noticed teeth and mouth feel "covered in a sticky film" - cleaning teeth 5 or 6 times a day but hey bet the dentist will be pleased next time we visit! - Maybe it will cut the hygienist bills down too. There's too many upsides to not smoking real cigarettes to let that deter us.

I suffered with itchy patches and lowered my PG level to a 50/50 mix and that stopped the itching
Thanks - I suspected that it was an allergy to something in the mix - where can I get 50/50 mix from? Both of us have been vaping for 2 months and are new to the whole thing, but if my husband can give up (people used to comment that he could eat cigarettes) and as a result there are at least 12 people that have seen him not smoke in that time and taken to vaping along side us - it's a great support network. Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks - I suspected that it was an allergy to something in the mix - where can I get 50/50 mix from? Both of us have been vaping for 2 months and are new to the whole thing, but if my husband can give up (people used to comment that he could eat cigarettes) and as a result there are at least 12 people that have seen him not smoke in that time and taken to vaping along side us - it's a great support network. Any hints and tips would be greatly appreciated.

Hope I am not talking out of turn, but all the mixes here are 50/50 PG/VG and are vety cheap


Or you could always mix your own :)
Alchemist cupboard and waves of vapour do 50/50 but to be fair most of the vendors now offer varieties in the mixes
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Thanks. Looking for really low nicotine liquids. Mixing own? Love to do it but complete novices right now, although improving by the day. Have no idea about some of the equipment/cartomizers/building your own that are out there. This is becoming a hobby and have had a few cigarettes in the house for 2 months but have absolutely no desire to smoke them, after 30 years smoking that has to be a first. Loving vaping and loving the flavours.
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