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Sigelei #19 contact problem

You have probably tried this already but here goes
If you un-screw the white magnet holder first. Then screw the atty down as far as it will go, then screw the white contact back up to it
If that make sense

I'll try this.
If you still have a problem then you could put a longer brass screw into the sigelei
Easy fix to get the magnet out just get some pliers on the tip of the brass screw and wind it down pushing out the magnet
The you can replace the brass screw/bolt with a longer one preferably with a lager head so that you will not need the magnet aiding contact
There are a few vids about modding the mod try Todds reviews
The man knows stuff:worship:
I removed both magnets and put a bolt top and bottom, used a pan head m4 brass bolt, drilled a 3.3mm hole and a m4 tap for the bottom



My Sigelei is one of the glued ones... And my DIY skills don't stretch that far. Lol
Just watched Todd's complete how to on this, seems easy enough to do. I don't mind the long throw but does anyone else find that their fire button gets hot every now and then?
Mine was one of the glued ones from vapegear, I cut a slot in the magnet and used a screwdriver, also put in a pan of boiling water then in the freezer to give it shock treatment :)
Mine was one of the glued ones from vapegear, I cut a slot in the magnet and used a screwdriver, also put in a pan of boiling water then in the freezer to give it shock treatment :)

Freezer; that's a good idea actually.
I have put a small stainless washer on the bottom magnet(filed a tad thinner)now have a short throw and no contact problems
The main problem with the magnets is the voltage drop they create , its been discussed a lot at ecf, best to get rid of them altogether if you can tbh :)
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