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Slight issues with The Next POTV Raffle.

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Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Hi Guys and Gals,
As you may already know, @joe clay and I are in the planning processes of the Next BIG POTV Charity Raffle.:)

However....... We may potentially have hit a "slight" problem?
There will be another Charity Raffle appearing very shortly for Raising Funds for an adapted MiniBus for a Disabled Football Squad. This is expected to run until the end of August and we would urge you to offer them all the support that you can.

We had intended to run during the Middle of September.

Late October, early November will see some of our Liquid Vendors having a "Last Hurrah" before the TPD Restrictions bite in Mid November.

THEN.............. It will be NO time before @u8myufo will be harrying and chivvying us with "The Secret Santa!"

Now this looks like it could be a busy few months for everyone and the Wallets might take a battering.

SO........ My question to you all is........... Are you happy for us to run during September, or, would you prefer that we look at moving this Raffle? Our sole intention is to raise as much money as we possibly can for MacMillan Nurses, and we do have something of a reputation for being rather good at things such as this.;)

We cannot come forward........ that is for sure, so......... We'd appreciate your thoughts on this one. IF you feel we need to bow out and run early next year, that's OK too, but it was our intention to try and have one last BIG event during 2016, but time and finances will no doubt be beginning to get tighter for everyone as the dreaded Christmas approaches.
I vote stick to the September schedule. I haven't noticed the mini-bus fund raiser. Who is running that one, may I ask?
It will be being announced very shortly I believe? It's the one that @3born will be doing.:2thumbsup:
Yeah, stick with Sept, as you say, there's the chaos of dyslectic secret satan & the usual Royal Snail xmas muppetry, and even though Lynda seen xmax cards in the shops, (ITS ONLY FUCKIN AUGUST !) next year is WAAY too far off. :D
Sadly............. I think we are dead in the water.:(:(

I had forgotten that there is "The Head Shave For MacMillan" going to be taking place as well in September and I KNOW that Mrs dw1986 and our very own @pfvapes are entering. We will OBVIOUSLY throw all the support we can behind these wonderful people:worship::worship:

So I feel that we should hold off because this will undoubtedly damage any potential totals each achieves and THAT is the last thing anyone wants.
I've bought a little something as a prize for the raffle but much as I wish the best for other fund-raisers, my funds will only allow me to support the official forum effort, so I'm ready whenever suits.
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