Also got my Slug today. I won't bother with the pictures, as
adjam1972 has done pretty good job of the pics
Right, my impressions.
mod seems to be well built and certainly does feel good in the hand. It is brushed brass (but I prefer that to shiny anyway). The threads for the 510 and battery section seem to be quite good.
Its not as heavy as I thought it would be. The wood does have some blemishes, but its a natural material and adds to the look really. (besides, nothing that a quick rub down with fine sandpaper and polish won't sort out.
I had a bit of a panic attack to start with, as none of my Taifun GT's worked with it and I have 3!! Kayfun and fogger were both fine. It turns out that I had screwed in my atty too hard (trying to get it flush) and pushed the connecting pin down, so wasn't making a decent connection. Luckily, its easy to push it back out again (I did it with a back-end of a pen). I have since just lightly tightened my atty and all seems to be ok now. BUT, the GT's will NOT sit flush - there is a 1mm gap. I am ok with this, as I was aware (watching the YouTube videos) and it doesn't really bother me.
The switch isn't as smooth as I would like. I seem to be able to get it to fire every other attempt. Now this could be just technique and the mechanism needs use to loosen up a bit - but, this switch is never going to be smooth action IMO. There is too much play in the switch and unless your press is true and central - it will catch and not fire. This is irritating, but not necessarily a deal breaker for me (but may be for some)
Overall - I like it! yes some niggly faults (I suspect the centre pin will loosen over time) - for £40 its not a bad buy and will certainly get some use from me (I think)
Wonder what other peeps think of it